Title: Shadow Boys 2 : Midnight Mercury
Part Four: Quicksilver
Genre: Angst, Supernatural, Brotherhood, slight!Romance
Rating: PG - PG 15 (violence)
Fandom: Hey!Say!Jump with some others
Disclaimer: I own the plot, the OCs and the idea...the media, graphics and references to Johhnys is the reason I have this disclaimer.
They risked
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Comments 4
but umm...after ryosuke came out of daiki's room...some time has passed when yuto and the gang was there..right?
and sakura is alive too...right..? /runs to the next part/
and seriously ryosuke...stop feeling so bad...:(
thank u for reading!!!
Things are a bunch of messy strings, but at the very least, they're okay.. For once..
It was such a relief to know that despite everything, Ryosuke still managed to be himself and all.. And Sakura.. Thank God she's alive.. *sighs again*
Though of how Kinta got to know her at all in the first place, I have only one conclusion.. And it's such a heartbreak since that would only means that Gin had done more than what the eyes could see.. *cries*
Dare I hope that he survived the chaos and live a happy life with his brother ?
I mean, it's just not fair that both Suzuka and Alice got to live (wait, Alice lived, right ?) and Gin did not.. True that they weren't in their best, but the fact that the lived is something..
Oh.. I guess I'll just go to the next one now.. >,
I think you know by now but Suzuka's the only one who survived the ordeal, well in this story. I kept Gin's fate hanging in the balance but his role is over in this story. Alice however, definitely lost her life :(
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