Title : Beautiful
Genre : Fluff
Rating : G
Pairing: Basically Shoon centered...Shoon/Reon (brothers), Shoon/Yabu (friendship),
A/N Dedicated to the lovely Yamashita Shoon in accordance with his 22nd birthday! For an Idol (not the JE one XD ) that remains an inspiration...may you acheive your dreams!
He sits by his window, the night sky reflecting off his clear black eyes. His skin is pale with a soft glow enhanced by the luminosity of the moon and he tugs at the strands of his hair that fall on the sides...more out of habit than anything else.
His chapped lips tug into a smile, eyes twinkle with a silent delight as he sees a falling star...a progressing line of silver across the velvety sky.
When you forget me...
When you don't remember my name...
Not even the memory,
Somewhere in the back of your brain...
I won't be offended...
He turns at the sound of his younger brother, his spiritual reflection...the same eyes...the same smile...
He watches in silence as the younger yet taller boy shuffles towards, awkwardly pulling off the thick wollen scarf around his neck before adjusting it around his own.
"Happy Birthday,"
He feels a soft chuckle escape from the back of his throat before he pulls the other into a hug, reveling in the warmth of his presence.
"It's not much, but I just didn't want you to feel too bad about having to celebrate your birthday in the campus dorms,"
He smiles as the other pulls back and nods his thanks before flicking him playfully on his forehead.
"As cautious as always, aren't we Reon?"
The boy smiles sheepishly before sauntering back to his desk piled with files and books. Heaving a sigh, he slams his head onto an open textbook making Shoon chuckle.
"Cheer up little brother, it's a beautiful night," he says, his voice softening as he turns back to the sky beyond his window pane.
"I'm going for a walk," he decides and sniggers softly upon finding Reon fast asleep on his book, drool flowing onto the page. Shaking his head he leaves the room, quickening his pace as he decends the stairs and throws open the back door of the building atop the hill.
He frowns at the urgency rising from whithin his subconciousness...wondering at the reason for such a feeling. Stretching, he gazes at the city of lights below...peaceful and magnificent from the height. He falls onto his back, sighing as the damp and cool grass tickles the back of his neck.
His eyes flutter open and he feels like he could fall...fall into the dark depths of the heavens with its glitter-like specks of light.
When it’s all said and done
I’ll be just a speck in the galaxy
Floating far far away by gravity
He frowns as the breeze turns into a gale in a matter of minutes and flinches as the lights of a low flying helicopter strikes him in the eyes.
He bolts upright at the sound of his name as it echoes through a voice amplifier and squints to make out the figure poking out of the Heli now hovering atop him.
Too stunned for words, he wonders if he had fallen asleep and this was some weird dream.
"Is this some kind of a joke!" he shouts back over the sound of the chopper's blades. He was sure his dorm-mates would come storming out any minute. It was way past midnight after all.
"UM...I GUESS," came the reply.
Shoon scowls, but then he feels his heartbeat freeze in it's confinement as the familiarity of the voice strikes him deep.
"Hikaru?" he shouts back questioningly. His eyes widen as there comes no reply but instead the Helicopter swerves over the trees and out of sight.
He stands there, body still shaking from the adrenaline of his surprise and the chill of the weather. He sees another falling star and closes his eyes, trying to calm himself.
He stumbles as he feels a strong tackle from behind him before long arms snake forwards and lock themselves around his waist.
"Happy Birthday,"
He smiles at the whisper...the so familiar voice and remains peacefully in his place, as the newcomer joins him in watching the sky. He looks down in surprise though as he spots a large amount of people...faces he knows so well yet sees so little of now, scurriying towards him, Hikaru and his loudspeaker in the lead.
"You brought me an army?" he asks jokingly as he watches Hikaru waving at him madly and Keito swerving to avoid the cake in his hands from colliding into Hikaru's.
"Yeah...sort of...they might not be the marching, protecting you with they're life type...but at least they can dance,"
Shoon shakes his head, leaning into the embrace.
"And the chopper,"
"Johhny-san's...nicked it,"
"Relax...he loves us too much,"
"So you find it just to take advantage of that,"
"Pretty much,"
He smiles, shaking his head just as Hikaru and the rest of Jump together with the Hyakushiki gang reach the duo. Reon had arrived as well, looking shocked beyond belief.
Keito smiles shyly as he is pushed forward and holds the cake up. Shoon grins, 22 candles covered the creamy confectionary almost completely.
"BLOW," Hikaru speaks into the amplifier only to be attacked by Chinen, Takaki and Inoo for disrupting the peace and testing the strength of their ear drums.
Yabu comes to stand next to him and wraps a hand around his shoulder instead. Shoon does the same before looking up at the sky, smiling softly as he spots another falling star.
"Happy Birthday Yamashita Shoon,"
I’ll never get over you,
Cause you are so beautiful