Name: Laura
Nickname: Burnelli
Age: 21
Gender: femme-ish
Height: 5'7"
Likes: Reading. Writing. Music. Watching films critically. Examining pop culture critically. Not examining pop culture critically. Naps. Cigarettes. Starbucks House blend. Coffee in general. Dogs. Family. Friends. Fall. Wind. Old buildings. Y'allternative. "Indie rock" whatevertf that is. Cursing. Collecting things. Television. Homeric poetry. Video games (including flash games). Thai food. Being from the American South. Tricksters. Con men.
Dislikes: Mouthbreathers (people who don't read the text and then talk out their ass in classes). People who assume pop culture is irrelevant. People who listen to everything but "rap and country". Hair product. The names of coffee sizes at Starbucks. Balancing checkbooks.Dadaism. Computers trying to be smarter than me. Getting carded.
Hobbies: Reading. Writing. Finding music. Movies. Reading reviews of current pop culture things. Reading celebrity gossip. Napping. Flash games. Thinking of spectacular arts and crafts adventures and never doing them. Driving. Window shopping. Walking around downtowns. Sticking my feet in lakes.
Talents: Writing. Academia. Bad jokes. Medium on Guitar Hero. Listening. Giving advice (so I'm told). Working the room like a Kennedy. Giving the appearance that I'm badass.
Fav color: Blue.
Fav animal: Owl. Penguin.
Strong points: Amiable. Charming. Intelligent. Witty. Hard working. Dedicated. Loyal. Rolls with the punches. Has a very, very long fuse.
Weaker points: Lazy. Possibly loose morals. Occasionally flighty. Occasionally too self-contained. Has to be pried open like a damn oyster for open up and share time. Chessy. Easily frustrated.
Mature or Immature?: Mature. While I can act like a fourteen year old boy, I like to think that when it comes down to it, I got a pretty good head on my shoulders. And while poop jokes will make me laugh, some how it ends up going to Jonathon Swift's scatological adventures or something equally as nerdy and librarian. It's a philosophy joke; you wouldn't get it.
Leader or Follower?: Leader. Most days I like to sit back and just chill, but when push comes to shove, I like to think I can step up.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Looking for the silver lining. Even if I don't believe it, gotta find it.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Laconic -- probably not entirely. Though, I am a rather chill guy. Don't get pissed easily, and sure as hell am not bouncin' off the walls.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Sounds similar to the above. Again. Pretty chill guy. More reserved than outgoing. My jokes are better when they sneak up on you.
Are you in love?: I got somebody who is pretty okay. So, yeah, I reckon so.
If you're not, what would you look for in a partner?: The ability to laugh at themselves. Hard work ethic. The ability to slack off. Someone who will put up my bad jokes, insatiable lust for knowledge, my clammy feet, and cigarette breath. A nice ass doesn't hurt either.
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: Eyeballs. Most things I think. most body parts there are two of so you can easily work with only one. Odin sacrificed an eye and was hung from a tree in order to gain the knowledge he wanted. If that's the sacrifice, sign me up. Point me in the direction of the tree.
How far would you go for someone you love?: Most anything I think. I think I would even sacrifice my intellect for someone if that were the only way. And that's a big deal in case you were wondering. Hell, I would sacrifice my left ball -- which is my favorite mind you. My loved ones are pretty clutch to my life.
Fav character, and why?: Does Seishiro count? I know he only shows up a bit, but good god, I love him. Him, Subura, Fuma, and Kamui. I might have a thing for gay boys. Speaking of gay boys, Kuro and Fai *snicker* totally straight. ... Well, that response was lame on my part. Sorry.
Anything else?:
I rock.
Describe your personality:
Right. So there was an exercise to describe yourself for something I have done previously. I'm kinda lazy, so I'm using copy pasta. Yeah, it sounds kinda high-falootin' but go with it, kay?
"I was a quiet, shy, and insecure child. I didn't like myself nor did I understand my place in the world. After years of work, therapy, and, did I mention work, I'm a happy and functioning adult. I have kicked those elements of my childhood to the curb and am working on not having a stick shoved so far up my ass that it could be used an antennae from my forehead.
I am the master of corny jokes. My humor is normally culturally charged, vulgar, and a bit more non-sequitur than I would like to admit. I like to think that I'm easy with a smile, fast with insults that are actually forms of affection, and will always be willing to lend someone a cigarette. All in all, I do my best to be a good guy.
People tell me that I am magnetic, but I don't make extraordinarily close friends easily. The number of friends I would die for can fit on one hand. The number of friends I would ruin my good shoes for can fit on two. I consider that a pretty good run. Despite the fact that I'm rather boisterous and crude, I'm still a bit shy not preferring to get down and dirty with feelings."
Right, so, that was me opening up and sharing. That'll be five bucks. Don't expect that to see it again anytime soon.
Pictures/Describe what you look like:
Because I am so vain and annoying, have a few.
Me being a tard in London. I'm the one with the glasses. You will see a trend.
Me being a tard a friend's house. I'm the one with the glasses.
I am hiding in the jungle.
And finally, the last of my super seeeekrit techniques. I am a flaming bitter queen.
.... and I humbly apologize for making you look at so many stupid friggen pictures of me being a tard. >.>