Big Doggie!

Jun 03, 2008 16:01

Name: Leanna
Nickname: Starscream, Lea, Neverending list of things.
Age: Eighteen
Gender: The Female Variety.
Height: 5`2``, Though I hardly see how this matters.

Likes: Mythology, sociology, psychology, drawing, writing, reading, violin, intelligent conversations, occassional alone time, music, anime, manga, roleplaying, cosplaying, a certain few people, human beings with personalities, those open to new experiences, pointless arguements for the sake of arguing, weaponry, waking up from a nap refreshed instead of that horrid groggy feeling I normally get.
Dislikes: Children, loud; sharp noises, bright lights, excessive drinking, smoking and other forms of drug abuse, stupid people who lack commonsense and other such vital attributes that make a decent and tolerable human being, judgemental people, overly optimistic people who like to shine their happy, fun, sunshine rainbow gumdrop dreams on others, Sickness, the fact that you can never hit your `funny bone` gently, and that somehow it always ends up bashed into something.
Hobbies: See `Likes`.
Talents: Drawing, Violin.
Fav color: Purple.
Fav animal: Fox.

Strong points & Weak points: Because I feel like ranting and the fact that these two traits usually go back and forth with me, I`m combining them like I normally do with these apps.
I`m honest, though it`s very blunt honesty. When i`m trying to give a compliment its near impossible and I usually lose friends due to my honesty. I`m protective, but when it comes to a certain person I can become `over`protective, and severely paranoid. Speaking of which, paranoia is something I suffer from constantly, when I think something has happened to someone...Its usually something horrible that no one should dare to imagine ever about the person they care about. I don`t like people, nor do I trust them at first, I put up walls that are indestructable and personally...I don`t have many `Strong` points, these are mostly weak, I suppose. I`m prone to explosive anger, impatience and most of all, complete and utter pessimism.

Mature or Immature?: Mature enough to know when I`m being immature.
Leader or Follower?: Leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: 100% pessimistic.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Between low and medium depending.
Outgoing or Reserved?: Its not so much reserved as much as the fact that I don`t like communicating and dealing with people. I can be outgoing, but its fairly rare.

Are you in love?: Very much so.
If you're not, what would you look on a partner?: But what if I am?
What are you willing to sacrifice for your wishes?: My wishes? I don`t sacrifice anything for myself, normally for others even though I deny it later on if its ever mentioned.
How far would you go for someone you love?:
I would do anything and everything for the person I love.

Fav character, and why?: Kurogane, because I always like the angry ones, End of story.

Anything else?: I rule you.

Describe your personality:
I`m a very contradictive, pessimistic person. I never truely like people when I first meet them; In fact...I hate them if I don`t know them. I`m quiet unless given a reason to speak, and when I do its usually sarcastic and blunt and more than likely some sort of insult. I don`t compliment people, I don`t care what anyone thinks and I come off as cruel and uncaring. There are in fact certain people I do care about, but only one in preticular ever gets to see my `Light` side, as I refer to it as. I like to speak in tongues, sarcastic tones and a sort of `Cheshire Cat` style where everything is said backwards just to piss people off. I start arguments with strangers, I hate overly optimistic people and I`m prone to bouts of explosive anger.

Pictures/Describe what you look like:

stamped, kurogane

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