It won't be that long, but it already became a traditions so... Here's my look on the year that has already ended.
To be honest nothing happened in January... I was working, as always. I had my Japanese classes. Nothing to add, just simply survived the first month of 2014.
My beloved granny died... It was the worst period of my life, I still miss her. I started to have huge headaches and had to took calming pills. Couldn't sleep properly, had nightmares.. Except that the usual... Work (which became more hectic than ever), watching ChocoJun with
syunikiss1990, fangirling. This was probably what pulled me back to "sane". Also, preparing for the trip to meet the person I loved, some more work, Japanese classes...
Trip to Cracow. To meet the one for whom my heart is still beating, still mourning after my grandma. I spent there like 3 or 4 days, meeting the person I loved two times. First was not long enough, just couple of hours talking about everything and nothing. Shy kiss... Next day, holding hands for hours in the worst place possible (Concentration Camp Auschwitz) and feeling warmth. The really tight hug and goodbye. I remember I wanted to stay but after second thought I decided to go back home. March was also dark because the suicidal thoughts came back to me, trying to hit me again. Why? Because all I believed in, in the feelings of a person very important to me seemed to be a lie...
Got news from work that I will get promoted. Well... I got through whole process, interviews, learned few new things about myself... It was also time when new co-worker who was trained by me had to pass the internal exam... And she did it :) April was concentrating on work mostly and buying lots of Arashi stuff xD Had some reflections about myself, you know the usual I don't like myself at all stuff... Working hard, remembering the meeting from previous month, feeding my thought with this feeling...
The promotion got official, I was busier than ever, working on two processes at a time. Practically having strength to do anything else than just sleep after work. Watching 死神くん with
syunikiss1990. If I am right it was the time when she went to Japan and I got all of cute pictures on whatsapp from her :) Also, got a superb omiyage from her. Thank you ♥
First of all, the Japanese festival in Warsaw. Meeting with Japanese people I have met few months ago, practicing language skills. I also bought tons of manga, ate a lot of delicious food. Work was busy, as always. I started my long long vacations and was preparing for a long but fun trip. SakurAiba exchange started, which was seriously a pain in the ass this time... Then at the end of the month the Balkan Adventure with
yuuki_saya had started :)
First ten days are trip around Balkan Peninsula. Tiring, fun, lots of alcohol poured in my blood... Thinking about my love and wanting to be with her. Practically this sums everything up xD
Month of fighting with myself and thinking a lot about myself. About my broken heart, getting sure that my choice of being in love with a person that doesn't love me back is a good. Work, as always... That's it?
Boooooring xD Nothing happened. Nothing at all. Seriously n.o.t.h.i.n.g!
Well now here is a month when a lot was going on. First of all, I applied to a new job in Warsaw. I had first interview. Till now I don't know whether they want to take me in or not. From the latest news I am supposed to find out at the beginning of 2015... So I am waiting. Second of all - changes at work. I finally got rid of the one process (the one I was hired for at the beginning), changed teams (not the boss)... I have to tell you it was for the best. Right now I do like my job and I am less stressed than I was before. Even if the responsibilities are bigger. And of course second trip to Cracow. This time with
yuuki_saya and
syunikiss1990! We had a blast, walking around, talking, fangirling a tiny bit, eating delicious food and going for book event :) AAhhh~! This was just simply ♥ I miss
syunikiss1990 since then.
Hmm... Cold. All I can remember. Not only because of the weather. Won't say anything more than that.
日本語能力試験 N3. I don't' know whether I passed or not, will figure out in February. Because of this I postponed start of learning Hebrew for two months. I need to pass N3 before I add anything up. On the trip to the exam I got excited about one concert which will take place in March. I bought ticket for myself, I am going alone :) Then Christmas, which was quite nice. My birthday which was crazier then ever, had so much fun you can't even imagine! And before you know it, it's already 2015...