Title: The Rising Tide
Genre/Pairing: J2 RPS AU
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 30k
Warnings: Blatant pro-labor sentiment. Vague understanding of the inner workings of theaters. Occasional Chad.
Disclaimer: The sit-down strike is based on a real thing, but I made everything else up.
Jared and Jensen live in the big city at the dawn of the new century. Jensen manages a run-down theater with a generous but strong-willed owner, structural issues, and the occasional equipment malfunction. Jared works in a mill producing heavy-duty canvas for the airships being built outside the city. He's trying to convince his fellow millworkers to strike for better conditions, better hours, and better pay, despite the cops' tendency to break strikes up with violence and jail. But if that one works, he has a bigger idea - a city-wide general strike, involving enough people in enough industries stopping enough work to make the owners take notice and finally meet the workers' demands.
Or, the one in which Jensen runs a neighborhood theater, Jared is organizing millworkers, and everything looks vaguely late steampunk.
Part One |
Part Two |
Part Three |
Part Four |
Part FiveAO3 Author's Note |
Nifty Art Short and heartfelt thanks:
dear-tiger for a. telling me I was a good enough writer to not need a beta (very kind, but also very wrong), and b. betaing anyway
beelikej for her fabulous art (see the airship? :D ) and for being completely lovely to work with
wendy for modding, always
and "Carnival Row" (for the city) and the Nanowrimo forums (for distracting me enough to let this idea take hold)