Since a very close friend plans on making this herself in the near future, I thought I'd help out by keeping a very detailed picture log on the progress of this commission. I had intended on initially wowing and confusing the general populace with the basic framework once that was done and then explaining how I got there, but I'm afraid I might forget my mental instructions as I go, so I want to type it all up as I go as much as I can. So here we go.
First off, I covered my super duper awesome blue print with clear packing tape to make it more durable and water resistant. (it actually paid off 15 minutes later, because I would have ripped it to smithereens, otherwise! heh heh)
Okay, first, cut a piece of PVC 3/4" pipe for your handle.
it should go from here:
to here:
Okay, see where I drew that X? It's right smack dab in the middle between the "wings" or "bars" or whatever you wanna call them. (Note to self: think of snazzy names for all these weird parts. Pronto!) Drill a hole here. I used a 7/64 bit.
I also drilled one just above it. In hindsight, perhaps it should have gone below, but perhaps it doesn't really matter. In the long run, none of it is going to show, anyway.
Then I whipped out my giant role of 16 gague wire left over from the Zelda commission (because they only come in 200 yard increments, I guess! x____x) and started threading it through the holes. I threaded the wire all the way through the bottom hole. The excess went into the top hole and then pointed upward. The excess then ended up pointing through the top of the pipe, which I trimmed off. Using the blue print, I shaped the skeleton design of the white wings (I think I'll stick with that name because there's some dark pink wings on this prop, too, and they look completely different).
Of all the steps in this post, the wire one was the most difficult because fighting with wire? Not fun. I had to just pop in some head phones and crank up some music for a distraction. Plus, threading the wire into that top hole wasn't exactly a piece of cake, either! Securing that wire will be in the next edition of...
"Death by Princess Sword." *cue dramatic music*
Fun fact: this piece of PVC pipe came from my husband's
King Endymion staff v1.5. That prop was completely destroyed from the move from North Carolina to Ohio (seriously, the top was never found) and should that ever somehow get remade (which I highly doubt) I would have just gotten more pipe, since the rest of what is upstairs is scarred like a burn victim. :(
Proceed to Step 3