For those viewing these posts in hindsight for tutorial purposes, it is important to note that prior to this post my computer nuked itself and I had to make a lot of unstructured progress on my own. The next few posts may seem like a blur with some continuity errors. Please concentrate on the text part or if the mood strikes, do what feels right and fly by the seat of your pants (like I did). :)
After sanding and refining everything, it should look something like this.
Now, for what I'm about to do, I pulled out my wooden clay tools and selected these five. They came in a set of about 20 and I got them online at, I belive (but they supply Hobby Lobby, so you can get them there, too). Although, any objects around the house with these shapes will do the trick.
I didn't take pictures of the next part because, well, I only have two hands. ^^; But what I did was fill in all the cracks with my caulk gun and used the clay tools to smooth away the excess. After each swipe, use paper towels to keep your tools clean. VERY clean. Keep going until your flat areas are flat and your curved areas have uniform curves.
If your tools have any excess caulk on them, wash them under running water as hot as you can stand and rub them until the caulk comes off.
I can't find my paint palette so I had to improvise. >.>;; This is modge podge that's been slightly diluted with water.
Go over the entire model magic area with the modge podge with even coats (and even strokes, too!) until all the pores caused by sanding disappear. This will also fill in any remaining defects from the caulking step.
Proceed to Step 16