To Do List:
-fix resume
-scan reference letters and send to Bennett
-go to the bank and ask about GICs, deposit cheque and cash
-find NSLSC letter to find my number
-call NSLSC re: paying off student loans went on the website, but didn't call; might call tomorrow to confirm payment methods options
-visit Walmart, Zellers, Sears, Dollarama, and Home Outfitters to find storage stuff for my closet and room need to go back to get stuff from Dollarama, and need a car to get shelf from Walmart; if only the shelf were prettier, oh well
-also scout out retail positions at Sq1 while there
-take "before cleaning/unpacking" pics
-start cleaning closet/unpacking clothing didn't get very far because I spent too much time at Sq1 and was tired from lugging stuff home, but it's started
Edit (May 13th; 12:16 am): Good first day, aside from the fact that I could've done more on my closet, but I'm happy. I even exercised in the morning. Yay!!!
-email thank-you letters
-clear out section in basement for bed
-finish cleaning closet/unpacking clothing - sort of started? not really
-unpack food-related stuffs but I can't find the Chinese bakery buns...
-start clearing off space in my room to move the bed down to the basement (aka hide stuff in newly cleaned closet)
-make a night-time schedule for the summer - yeah the heck right, what is the point of doing this now when I can't even follow it yet until my room is somewhat clean? or at least the crafts are unpacked...
Edit (May 14th; 12:43 am): Wow, it looks like I did like nothing today. As it turns out, I ended up going to Square One again, and then the library, so that's kinda off Thursday's list now. Also, closet cleaning is taking waaaay too much time. Tomorrow I'm gonna be playing dress-up all day to see what I'll be giving to my mom/tossing out/donating. Ugh. The plans for the rest of the week are kinda shot in this respect since I can't do anything with my room full of clothing. Closet must be completely cleaned by the end of this week, though. Bleh. Also, I forgot to add "mail DVDs" to this list, and also "start learning to cook again", but the latter I've actually been doing. Chores are eating up a lot of time...
-order convocation tickets
-email Lego re: Jon's missing pieces
-email Threadless re: extra payment
-email GCR re: rebate
-pay Visa bill
-finish room space thing to move bed downstairs
-unpack toiletries and jewelry
-unpack electronics
-go to library to get Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, HP books 3 and 4, and Pathetique Sonata; and look at For Dummies and Personal Finance sections -crap, I forgot to look for Pathetique; and there's no For Dummies section; and Personal Finance for Dummies is on loan
-if bed hasn't been moved down, move it downstairs
-decide on new room layout
Edit (May 16th; 12:36 am): Damn it, I can't believe I'm still on my closet. Also, I can't believe I had to go to the mall again yesterday, and that my brother took sooooo long at Sport Chek. Gaaahhh.
-move crafts boxes upstairs
-more unpacking
-look up yoga stuff
-update and post up 101/1001 list here
-make resume re: part-time retail
-Kenneth's birthday
Other stuff to do throughout
-make recordings for Disney tape
-LL emails
-start reading LJs
-look up TEFL stuff
-sort through small external HD
-career centre job search
-start doing pushups in the morning
I think having a couple of
these would be great for yarn storage, seeing as I have so much yarn and of so much variety. But those sections are too small. Also, I'd need a shelf with lots of racks. Also, each one of those costs $13. I wonder how I could make my own without expending a lot of effort... I wonder what Dollarama has now...
this amuses me. And would also work for yarn.
I can't believe I once again napped this afternoon, instead of starting on my closet. Oh well. I better remember to measure my closet and some of my room before I go to Sq1 tomorrow. Also, no buying clothing or crafts or anything like that. Nooooo buyyinnggggg.
A little late now, but hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day!!!