So apparently it's August, which still hasn't fully hit me yet, even though I know it "intellectually". But of course, what this really means is I didn't do a goals update for July. Although technically, I -did- do an update, just not to this specific journal. *phew* Hooray for non-specificity.
Just what's newly changed since June:
More progress:
12) have a net of more yarn used than bought over the course of the 1001 days (“used” can also mean given away/donated; starting with __ lbs of yarn) --sold some yarn and on the way to selling more, but at the same time I also did buy some sale, superwash yarn
13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it --working on it = )
14) spin at least ¼ of the roving I have now (starting with 7.67 lb of roving) --damn it, thin yarns take forever to spin
15) have a net of fewer UFOs --frogged a few and working on the scarf still
20) try a Noro yarn to see what the hype is --Noro is now bought, but no project in mind
27) finish butterfly cross-stitch --did some more but found that I made like 2 big mistakes and now i have to work around them even though I forgot what I was originally planning on doing
46) finish reading the Harry Potter series --started Book 6 but not working very hard
49) finish reading all MoR contest entries, up to Summer 2007 contest --still on 2001, I only read like 2-3 a week
59) cut down current Unfamiliar Songs folder by half by either familiarizing myself with them or removing them (if I don’t like the songs) - list has 335 songs; new songs do not get added to this list --1/5 done ish?
80) contact Bertha, Etta, and Kelvin somehow at least once every two months --saw them on Friday, yay!!!
82) make Chilton add 15 songs from my playlist to his library that isn’t by his usual list of artists: Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Savage Garden, Backstreet Boys, or from Disney or The Simpsons --they're on his mp3 player, we'll see what happens
86) finish 5 DS games, including Ouendan --working on Chocobo Tales now
92) try 3 new types of cuisine (aka. not Chinese, Japanese, American, French, Korean, or Vietnamnese) --had Ethiopian food, it was really interesting; unfortunately I don't like sourdough
99) make a wish list with 50+ items on it --most of the items are craft-related, heh...
101) dedicate at least one LJ entry a month to the progress of this list --man, I almost failed this one...
Less progress:
6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months --still at 1/10, because July was a massive failure, and August will be too because I have to pay tuition; September will be a challenge, heh
7) save $5000 over the 1001 days (all spendings and earnings count toward this amount, except the money currently in GICs) --no income, need job!!!
10) stay off eBay for 8 consecutive months, including browsing (looking at something that someone linked does not count) --waaaah, I keep looking, what's wrong with meeee???
71) learn to play a Vienna Teng piece on piano (ie. sheet music) --crap, I stopped practicing again...