Oh crap, it's October. And I didn't do a goals update last month. Oh hell. Well, that's one goal lost. *sigh*
I also lost my "Smile, dammit!" button sometime last week. I hope I can remember where I got it from because I love that button. Boo.
22) go to a spinning/fibre convention (can be a knitting convention that also features fibres)
That was the KW Knitter's Fair on Sept. 13th. Thanks so much, Bre and Jen!!! *massive squishes*
46) finish reading the Harry Potter series
Done. And let's not start on it. And now technically I can read HP fanfiction, but I don't have enough time as it is.
82) make Chilton add 15 songs from my playlist to his library that isn’t by his usual list of artists: Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Savage Garden, Backstreet Boys, or from Disney or The Simpsons
I consider this to be done. It amuses me so that he likes music by willnotbenamedbecausehedoesn'twannaknow.
More progress:
5) join a yoga class
Jon and I went to one drop-in class, but we didn't go this week. This is not a success until I go 3 times in a row.
9) open a bank account at another bank (ie. not TD) and keep enough money in the account to waive the monthly fee
Almost done.
13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it
In the progress of using what I haven't yet given/sold. Much more progress needs to be done here...
14) spin at least ¼ of the roving I have now (starting with 7.67 lb of roving)
Um, I'm now at...4-5 oz of roving spun. Out of only 26 more oz to go...
19) knit a second halter top in mercerized cotton
The back is basically done. I just need to cast off.
21) knit 10 things to give to charity
One item almost done.
23) find/make a tote bag for carrying knitting projects
It has been bought. It's sitting in Maine. I'm not really sure I'll like it enough that the practical will outweigh the unpretty, but we'll see.
34) read at least 4 chapters of Personal Finance For Dummies or an equivalent book
I've read Chapter 1. I should keep going...
36) learn to understand spoken Mandarin and to speak Mandarin (small conversations)
Taking Mandarin at university, yay!!!
49) finish reading all MoR contest entries, up to Summer 2007 contest
Finished 2001 contest, into 2002.
58) watch all of Trigun and Cowboy Bebop
Trigun is done. And I liked it = )
77) find a pen-pal/swap-pal and exchange at least 6 letters and/or items (6 from and 6 to)
*dances with
78) get a gift for a friend for no reason at all, twice a year (can be different friend or same friend, lol)
Sage got nail polish = )
80) contact Bertha, Etta, and Kelvin somehow at least once every two months
We've been trying to plan something over email. Our schedules hate each other.
84) email Kenneth at least once every two months while he is in Boston
I think he's in a research group finally. Yay!!!
86) finish 5 DS games, including Ouendan
Still playing Urbz. Totally forgot about Chocobo Tales, crap...
87) read 5 articles from the newspaper (can be online) every two weeks for 3 months a year
I read the Metro on the subway 2-3 times a week now. Yay free newspaper.
99) make a wish list with 50+ items on it
I think it has like 20 things on it. At least half are fiber-arts-related.
Less progress:
6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months
September was a fail. I put $550 on my meal card for the whole year.
7) save $5000 over the 1001 days
Every month I spend more than I make is a nightmare laughing at me.
10) stay off eBay for 8 consecutive months, including browsing (looking at something that someone linked does not count)
This is totally not gonna happen until after Christmas, I know it.
15) have a net of fewer UFOs (can get rid of UFO by frogging; starting number of UFOs: 9)
Um, I started 3 new things.
101) dedicate at least one LJ entry a month to the progress of this list
I cannot believe this. Bleh.
In an endeavour to stop missing/almost missing the monthly post, I've decided to do the post in the middle of the month, between the 10th-20th. Hopefully that works out.
Time to start knitting something new. = )