Goals Update #6: October

Oct 31, 2008 22:27

It's been 6 months, so I should do a full update, but I figure some ppl might just wanna see the short one, so I'll post a regular progress one now and a full one later. Technically it hasn't been six months until Nov. 5th, anyway.

9) open a bank account at another bank (ie. not TD) and keep enough money in the account to waive the monthly fee

11) buy a trenchcoat
--I bought one, though I actually meant a thinner trench when I originally set this goal, so I'll still be on the lookout, but for all intents and purposes this goal is done. Sweet.

91) collect $100 for a walkathon
--It's done, and it's donated, but I didn't do the actual walk/climb. I will have to next year.

More progress:
12) have a net of more yarn used than bought over the course of the 1001 days
--Probably still have more than I started with in May, but I have less than the last update. Whoo.-ish

13) sell the yarn I don’t want (ex. on eBay) or donate it
--Someone else contacted me for one of the items, which is kinda cool.

14) spin at least ¼ of the roving I have now (aka. 30.7 oz)
--5 oz down, almost. 3 oz have to be plied together.

16) finish a pair of socks using the Confetti yarn
--75% done, yay!!!

36) learn to understand spoken Mandarin and to speak Mandarin
--Learning, learning, but Mandarin class is starting to kick my ass. Gaaahh.

47) finish reading the His Dark Materials series
--Started Book 2 (again).

49) finish reading all MoR contest entries, up to Summer 2007 contest
--Am halfway through 2002.

71) learn to play a Vienna Teng piece on piano (ie. sheet music)
--Learning Gravity now. I should probably work more on Lullaby and memorize it...

78) get a gift for a friend for no reason at all, twice a year
--Got #2 for this year, but haven't given it yet.

80) contact Bertha, Etta, and Kelvin somehow at least once every two months
--Saw them on Wednesday, yay!!!

86) finish 5 DS games, including Ouendan
--Slowly going through Urbz.

87) read 5 articles from the newspaper (can be online) every two weeks for 3 months a year
--Have been doing so since school started. Hooray for subway time.

99) make a wish list with 50+ items on it
--Working on it, it's probably at 20-25-ish items?

Less progress:
5) join a yoga class
--I didn't go this week either. I keep telling myself I will and then I don't.

6) not spend more than $250 for each of 10 months

7) save $5000 over the 1001 days
--*dies some more*

15) have a net of fewer UFOs
--I'm not sure what I was at last month, this month I'm at...6, I think.

34) read at least 4 chapters of Personal Finance For Dummies or an equivalent book
--Not that it's possible to have less progress on this, but I've returned the book not having read any more of it. I'll have to take it out again.


I think I need a 101-goals icon. Anyone wanna make me one pretty pretty please? If I had learned Photoshop by now I could make one as one of my 10 icons (re: Goal 38). Yes, I suck.
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