Here’s Ten E:
The Sentinal
Francesca: The Nature Series: The First Arc
1) “01
Nature vs. Culture”:
Nature and culture are warring for control of James Ellison, and Blair's future hangs in the balance.
2) “02
Nature's Surprises”
Two months into their relationship, Jim and Blair track down a killer and also begin to discover all the wonderful things that Nature enables them to do together...;)
3) “03
Nature's Fireworks”
In the Proceedings of Which There Occurs an Entire Game of Softball, with Interludes of Discussion, and then Fireworks, followed by More Discussion, and then More Fireworks ;)
4) “04
Nature's Visions”
In which Blair and Jim drive around at night looking for something unusual, and find it.
5) “05
Nature's Sacrifices”
In which there is a lot of banter and a poker game and some serious office gossip, and in which Blair makes some big decisions and pulls a rabbit from a hat and Jim finally gets something that he really wants. And nothing will ever be the same for either of them.
6) “06
Nature's Training”
In which Jim tries to teach Blair how to shoot, and it turns out that Blair knows already. ;)
7) “07
Nature's Trials”
In which Blair tries to eat soup, and later attempts to wrestle a sofa. Jim gets some telephone calls. (Can you tell I hate writing summaries?)
8) “08
Nature's Celebrations”
A hell of a week for Blair Sandburg. There's very little, plotwise, that doesn't happen in this story. Everything except the kitchen sink - actually, there's even a scene with a sink, now that I think about it. Sorry.
The Second Arc
9) “09
Nature's Reversals”
Blair loses his innocence, and then Jim gives Blair his. (Paulette writes much better summaries than I do, see!) (I would have written, "Blair shoots, Blair scores, and then they go for bad Mexican food" - but then, hell, I've got no class!)
10) “10
Nature's Relations”
In which Blair & Jim get it from both sides. Oh yeah, and in the truck. ;)
11) ’11
Nature's Visitations”
In which Jim & Blair go for lunch.
12) “12
Nature's Breakdowns”
Enough with the summaries already! I hate this part. OK, Jim can't sleep and Blair fixes it and then Jim can't fix the truck and Blair fixes it and then Jim hunts down a missing girl and then Blair freaks out and Jim can't fix that either. Yeah, it's a downer, kids, but there's always next time.
13) “13
Nature's Return”
14) “14
Nature's Boundaries”
15) “15
Nature's Strategies 16) “16
Nature's Momentum 17) “17
Nature's Outing 18) “18
Nature's Conferences The Third Arc
Nature's Correspondences 20)
Nature's Failures 21)
Nature's Conspiracies: I 22)
Nature's Conspiracies: II 23)
Nature's Conspiracies: III 24)
Nature's Conspiracies: IV 25)
Nature's Ascent 26)
Nature's Descent 27)
Nature's Revelations 28)
Nature's Recollections 29)
Nature's Blindness The Fourth Arc?... Who Knows! Stay Tuned!
50 Years Later...The End:
Nature's Cycles 31) A new assistant professor at Rainier is intrigued by the mysterious life and career of Professor Blair Sandburg.
The Cycles Series
Nature's Cycles A new assistant professor at Rainier is intrigued by the mysterious life and career of Professor Blair Sandburg.
Cycles Redux Following the intrepid adventures of Professor Sonia Cortez, Blair Sandburg's replacement at Rainier, as she introduces Blair's work to the public. Plus, insight into Jim and Blair, courtesy of the previously mysterious de Guzman.
Cycles III Professor Sonia Cortez, Blair Sandburg's replacement at Rainier, takes her Sentinel, Daniel Casey, to the loft and tries to answer some of his questions.
Cycles IV Our intrepid protagonists try to cope with their new roles, and Daniel Casey gets a surprise visit from a certain curly haired, dead anthopologist.
Cycles V A good workday goes bad for Daniel Casey.
Cycles VI 7.
Cycles VII 8.
Cycles VIII Miscelaounis
a) (Incomplete) “Gemini Rising” by
Silk Series/Sequel: This is part 1.
Mercury in Retrograde is the next part.
Someone wicked this way comes… That would be Nolan Emory. X
“Mercury In Retrograde” by
Silk Series/sequel: Sequel to
Gemini Rising. Nolan Emory returns and there is…no rest for the wicked…
b) “A Sentinel's Guide to Flexibility pt 1” by akablonded
Stress management -- especially when you're a sentinel -- comes in all sorts of packages.
“A Sentinel's Guide to Flexibility pt 2” by akablonded
“A Sentinel's Guide to Flexibility pt 3” by akablonded
c) “Behind Blue Eyes” by Silk
How far would Section go to discover the secrets of the Sentinel? Some people will use any means necessary…
d) “Conforming to Requirements” by
Fluterbev A novel length AU set in a parallel world, where Sentinels are prized members of society and Guides are second class citizens. Sentinel Ellison doesn’t want to Bond, and his unconventional, temporary Guide is not allowed to.
e) “
Covert Operations, Part 1 by
Rogue Blair's in the Army so he can go to college. Then he gets sent down to Peru with Jim and his team on the Momentous Mission.
Date Archived: 04/08/02
Covert Operations, Part 2” by
Rogue Blair's in the Army so he can go to college. Then he gets sent down to Peru with Jim and his team on the Momentous Mission.
Date Archived: 04/08/02
Covert Operations, Part 3” by
Rogue Blair's in the Army so he can go to college. Then he gets sent down to Peru with Jim and his team on the Momentous Mission.
Date Archived: 04/08/02
f) “Father In-Law” by
Grey Bard In which a man comes to terms with the truth, if not the actual reality.
g) “Guidelines Series” by Jim is a sentinel who failed the U.S. Sentinel Program under questionable circumstances. Blair is the graduate student challenging the entire philosophy of the Sentinel Program in a world already nervous in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. The USSP would just like to see both men disappear.
Beginnings A graduate student proposes a theory that guides, like sentinels, are genetic
Regulations Jim and Blair try to survive regulations that seem to threaten their freedom and their partnership
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Blair discovers just how deep the culture of denial and repression goes when it comes to the USSP
Power Play As the guys try to find something that approaches a normal life, and undercover assignment and an old flame threaten to do what the USSP couldn't
h) “
Honeymoon Suite” by
Dangermouse A serial killer is on the loose and the boys have one chance to capture their suspect.
i) “
Learning Curve” by
Buffy/ Sentinel 73 Blair/Jim Blair/ Xander Xander/ Spike ADULT Crossover, Action The Watcher's council sends Xander to Cascade where he learns a few things SLASH
Learning Curve II: Experience Curve” Buffy/ Sentinel 408 Spike/Xander, Jim/Blair ADULT Xander and Spike find that the course of true love never runs smooth.
j) “Lumpy Pants”
Fun and games with Jim and Blair
k) “New Abilities” by Sweetkitty E-mail: After the bashing Justin's empathic abilities come out, and the clan of Cascade wants to takes him in, along with Brian who seems to be a Sentinel.
l) “
Previous Loves” by
Otter After S2, Jim and Blair have a lot of things to deal with.
“Shadows of the Past Series” by By Litgal
Nine years ago, one of Jim's missions went bad when his team ran into a unit run by an agent named Michael. The unit barely survived. Now, Jim comes home to find that Michael and the organization he represents is interested in both him and Blair. And once Section is interested, Section never totally walks away. Rated TEEN for Shadows of the Past, ADULT for Shadows and Siege
”Shadows of the Past “
Part One (chapters - ) Part Two (chapters - ) Part Three (chapters - )