Anime Rewatch Episodes 41 & 42

Jan 17, 2014 04:20

This is the post for discussing the next two episodes of our community anime rewatch. We're more than halfway through now, but you are still welcome to join in anytime! All previous posts can be found by using the "anime discussion" tag ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

syrimoon January 17 2014, 21:52:52 UTC
I'm gonna talk of these as one since theymore or less follow a continuous flow ( ... )


peacewish January 20 2014, 04:17:24 UTC
That Kero knows some (and demonstrably not all) weak points of some cards makes considerable sense to me, even if Clow never had to actually hunt down and recapture the cards. Given that there were no video games in those days, it seems pretty likely that Yue, Kero, and the various Cards would often go up against each other in mock combat - even if it was just for fun. I mean, what else was there to do, really? And we get told pretty specifically in season three that the Cards need to be used in a way that keeps them happy, and they don't like being bored.

So Kero knows the tickle points mainly because he just knows these Cards, not necessarily for capturing reasons. (Although I hold that some of these cards *coughmirror* are a lot more willful and independent than others, and may have required a lot more of Clow's persuasion to stay in the fold.)


syrimoon January 20 2014, 04:52:27 UTC
That would make sense for say, knowing not to use Time or Wood against Yue or knowing how out of control bubble gets, or that fire and earth get stronger around Kero, but when it comes to specifically what's needed to capture it? Like in this episode where Kero's telling her she has to realize IT, has to name the card to capture does he know that? How does Kero know ANYTHING about what's needed for the actual capture of a Card?


butterflydrming January 20 2014, 07:20:57 UTC
In this particular case, I thought that Kero always knew that Sakura had Light within her. That that was the IT he meant.


butterflydrming January 20 2014, 07:43:39 UTC
I honestly could not remember the Sand episode. I'm sure that I saw it, but whatever, it didn't make a strong impression because SxS doesn't interest me. It's a great episode for those who 'ship them, though: near kiss, bashful moments, cooperation rehearsing (and a certain simpatico between them), and then the teamwork capture of The Sand.

I enjoy the second half of the play story a lot more. Touya ready with a camera "because his father asked for photos," Tomoyo & Kero time together, Syaoran being adorable as the gruff yet beautifully dressed princess. Oh, those curly tresses! Meiling doing an outstanding job of her role. And Dark and Light, because the Clow Cards themselves are a focal reason for why this show still has my heart.

Episode 40 is significant because it's the one where Sakura's invincible spell is so named, isn't it? And because Dark and Light are the first to raise the issue of Yue's role as Judge.


syrimoon January 20 2014, 22:32:39 UTC
I remember Sand only because it was the start of flashback episode for the dub, and I recall it from being a Wee Little Syri. But that was the extent. I'm not interested in SxS either because my God 10 year old romance. Also, I love any time we see Sakura directly interacting with a Card, like she does with Dark, Light and Mirror


peacewish January 20 2014, 21:13:51 UTC
Episode 41 ( ... )


syrimoon January 22 2014, 22:39:27 UTC
I hope Sakura reset those alarms and put them back in her dad and brothers rooms. my only thought was, how the hell are they gonna wake up?

With the acting, I'd say the difference is the competition. THe sprinting/track thign was a competition, whereas the festival was simply an arts showcase. However, I do think auditions woudl have been better. When I was in 4th grade I was in a group where you spent months writing a script, building sets, making costumes, all centered aroudn solving a given practical challenge in a 7 minute play. we had to audition in our group for the best roles. Again, yes, this was going to be a competition, but still. I can see the idea of simply wanting to make it a fun thing, and it worked for the plot device, but in a realistic aspect I'd at LEAST let kids random draw from parts they'd want to try for


peacewish January 20 2014, 21:41:33 UTC
Episode 42 ( ... )


butterflydrming January 21 2014, 03:49:46 UTC
The amida is totally a shortcut to gender swap the main roles. It's actually funny that Kero doesn't get it, considering that men dressing as women for stage is consistent with history in both west and east. If anything, shouldn't he should be scandalized that *plays* are being performed by respectable school children? I don't know enough about Chinese theater history to know if actors had bad reputations, as they did on the other side of the world.

It could have been really interesting to have the kids auditioning. If Syaoran wasn't going to be the prince (say, if he picked a minor role), would Meiling still want to be the princess? Yamazaki might have tried for the witch. Maybe CLAMP should have saved the school play thing for the Eriol arc. Eriol would have gone for the prince role, with Sakura as princess, just to torture his cute little descendant.


syrimoon January 21 2014, 04:05:38 UTC
At least we get the info that those three all grew up under Chinese AND English cultural ideas. Kero seems pretty laid back about culture though. You never really see him shocked or surprised about clothes or how women behave or any of that. I see Yue being more the one to look down his nose and hide how scandalized her is at things, but Kero? Seems like he has a "eh times change, go with the flow!" mentality

I actually had to Wiki was the amida thing was while watching this seems like such a needlessly complicated system. Couldn't you just draw roles out of a hat?


butterflydrming January 21 2014, 04:29:53 UTC
I don't know; I kind of like the amida better than drawing lots or lottery or tambola. I think Kaho likes the ritual of it. It's traditional! Plus, I think she rigged it.
Also, drawing names was used in Movie 1 (ok, colored spheres not names), so they might have wanted something different for variety. Few activities are repeated in the show without variation... and many are repeated with intent, such as a play with a boy in the princess role.


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