And now, we are into the final countdown to the end of S.P.D. as we know it. -Hides-
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam, Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam, Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Cestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #38: Against All Odds
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Patrol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non-cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means, character death
Author's Notes/: Resurrection sucked except for the moment when Charlie demorphs, and Jack and Sky are going ‘Red’s a girl?!’, the girls cheer, and Charlie asks Jack if he’s got a problem with that. This is my version, filled with happy reunions and cranky B Squad.
Wes tilted his head in acknowledgement as he passed Cruger on his way into the Squad Common Room. "Commander."
"Sergeant Collins," came the cool reply. Things between them were still awkward since the meteor mission, and neither one of them was in a hurry to fix it.
He glanced up and sighed. "Bridge!"
The teen's head snapped up as he jumped slightly. "Yes, Sir?"
He folded his arms, looking at him pointedly. "Toast?"
Bridge winced. "It wasn't all for me," he protested. "I made some for everyone, but then no one wanted any." He paused. "Do you want some? It's really - " And then he cut himself off, slamming his left hand down over his right to keep it in place.
He smiled, shaking his head. "Sure, Bridge. Thanks." He eyed the other three teens as he grabbed a slice. "All right. Who's been teasing Bridge now?"
"We weren't teasing him," Z protested.
"Sky was," Syd put in, giggling as the other girl shoved her lightly in the shoulder. "He said that Bridge can't say buttery without wiggling his fingers because it's ingrained in his cellular makeup."
He gave his son a dirty look. Now that he'd been taking the time to notice, Bridge was right: Sky was really harsh on him sometimes. "It is not ingrained in his cellular makeup," he sighed. "It's habit. He's been doing it since he was three years old."
"I have?" Bridge looked curious.
He nodded. "Your mom used to feed you toast when they had to wake you up in the middle of the night." He smiled fondly at the memory. "She said it was 'special' toast to make you feel better. And the finger wiggle thing started because you noticed you'd gotten butter on your gloves."
Z frowned. "Why did she - "
Sky elbowed her sharply with a warning look, and she stopped.
Bridge answered her anyway with a sad smile. "Sometimes when I dream, I pick up on other people's thoughts or emotions. It was really bad when I was little, because I didn't have any control over it. So I'd have nightmares of things I didn't understand, and my parents had to wake me up so they'd stop."
Z looked guilty. "Sorry. I guess I shouldn't have asked."
"It's okay," Bridge assured her with a smile. "It's not like you would have known."
She sighed. "I hate this sometimes," she murmured. "Not remembering what it was like to grow up with you guys. I mean, I've tried to. But it's just ... I can't."
Syd leaned forward to squeeze her arm. "Don't force yourself. It's not like we don't understand," she said softly.
"Z, in all probability, you suppressed everything for a reason," Wes reminded her gently. "The kidnapping ... " He shook his head, wincing. "Things were pretty bad."
"They sent me for empathy training after that," Bridge agreed, his voice going quiet. "After everything that was happening, I couldn't control it anymore. Zofren told me if it wasn't for Sky, I probably wouldn't have made it."
"Did you need something, Dad?" Sky spoke up, looking at him in an obvious attempt to change the subject.
"I was actually coming to ask what all of you are up to," he informed him. "Because whatever it is, I was going to tell you to take a break."
"Break?" Syd perked up.
He tried not to smile and failed. "Sergeant Oliver's orders. You're officially being given the day off. And if you're not Bridge, she'd prefer you find something to do that isn't at S.P.D."
"Why not Bridge?" Z frowned.
"Because Bridge's idea of fun is playing in the lab," Syd told her, shooting an amused smile at her teammate.
Bridge grinned and shrugged sheepishly. "It's true," he confessed.
"Why do we have to leave S.P.D.?" Sky wanted to know.
Wes gave him a fondly exasperated look. "Because you've been practically living here twenty-four seven for the last few months. And whether you like to admit it or not Sky, that's not like you."
Z raised her eyebrows. "It's not?"
He rolled his eyes as Sky glared her. "Take a walk, Sky. Go find a cat. Since you've pretty much stolen Sheep for your own, we need a new cat for Eric. Or a dog. Some birds. Something. Get out of S.P.D. for the day. If something comes up, we'll call you."
Sky seemed to brighten a little at the suggestion of looking for pets, but being Sky, he still pretended to be annoyed. "If I have to," he grumbled.
"You know, that kinda sounds like fun," Z decided. "You mind if I go with you?"
"We don't all have to go look for Uncle Eric's new pet, do we?" Syd asked warily. "'Cause I have some serious shopping to do after that incident the other day," She shot a dark look at Bridge, "And we all know whatever Sky gets is just going to end up as his anyway."
Sky scowled at her. "Go steal your daddy's charge card, Syd."
"I will. Thank you," she chirped back, wrinkling her nose at him. She bounced out of her seat, pausing to give Wes a hug as she passed. "Thanks, Uncle Wes!"
"Don't thank me," he protested as he gave her a hug back. "This was Kim's order."
"Then tell her I said thank you!" she called over her shoulder as she disappeared down the hall.
"I wonder if Kat will let me play with her quantum enhancer," Bridge mused as he stood.
"I doubt it, but feel free to try," Wes told him, sliding an arm around his shoulders for a brief hug as he passed. "And don't forget your toast."
"Oh. Right. Thanks, Uncle Wes."
He grinned at Sky and Z as Bridge doubled back to grab his plate before heading off to the labs. "Well? Come on! Get going!"
Sky rolled his eyes, but Z smiled. "Thanks, W - " She paused, smiled a little, and gave him a quick hug. "Thanks, Uncle Wes," she said softly.
He snagged Sky before he could get past, trying not to make a big deal out of Z's gesture even as he inwardly glowed. "I don't think so," he teased his son, pulling him into a tight hug. "You have to pay the toll."
"You can't claim hug tolls," Sky sighed in exasperation, but he hugged back anyway. He paused in the doorway as Z passed him. "And for the record? I did *not* steal Sheep."
"Sure, you didn't," he retorted with a smile. "Have fun, guys."
He waited until they were long gone before he sighed, running a hand over his hair. "Enjoy it while you can," he murmured, his gaze falling to his wrist.
Because a lull in the fighting months after it had began always meant something was coming, and all of the former Rangers knew it.
He blinked as his morpher went off. "This is Wes."
"Wes!" Justin cried happily. "They're back! Newtech's rescue team is back!"
He started in surprise. "What? Are - are you serious?!" he demanded.
They all knew that both rescue teams had promised to return under one condition. Which could only mean ...
"They've got A Squad," Justin confirmed. "We've got them in the infirmary now."
"I'm on my way," he promised, bolting down the hallway. He dodged a pair of cadet, just barely remembering to toss a "Sorry!" over his shoulder.
Somehow, someway, A Squad was *back*.
"Astro!" he called.
Exhausted, weary, and obviously in need of some rest, none the less Zhane's smile was as bright as ever when he looked up from the wall he was leaning against. "Time!" he greeted jubilantly.
They exchanged a tight hug, holding on for longer than was strictly necessary. Wes closed his eyes for a moment, breathing in the sight and sound and smell of his teammate. It had been *far* too long.
They pulled back at last and Zhane frowned at him. "Something's different," the other man declared.
"Yup," he agreed, grinning. "A few things, actually."
Zhane's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "How many fingers am I holding up?" he demanded suddenly.
He smirked. "None, you nimrod. But you hair is finally starting to show the silver."
Zhane stared. "You ... "
He nodded, still smiling.
The next instant he was swooped up off his feet in a bear hug and spun around, laughing, as Zhane tried to squeeze the breath out of him before at last setting him down. "When?! How?!"
He held up a hand, still laughing. "Calm down! It's kind of a long story. And - " He paused, eyeing Zhane as his left hand was seized.
"You're *married*?!" Zhane shouted. "To who?! Why wasn't I invited?"
"Who do you *think*?" he retorted. "And you weren't here. It was sort of a spur of the moment thing."
"He asked Eric if he'd ever thought about making things official while they were out to dinner, and Eric said he'd make some calls," came another voice. Justin smiled at them both. "No joke."
"Turbo!" Zhane cried in delight, and Wes chuckled as Justin was treated to a flying hug of his own.
"Astro! I can't breathe!" he choked out.
"You don't need to breathe!" Zhane returned happily. "You're a Power Ranger. The Power will keep you alive anyway."
"I'd rather not find that out the hard way, thanks," Justin grumbled as he was finally set down. He looked up, clearly hopeful. "Where's Rose?"
Zhane winced. "Ah. Well, see, they're not back yet. They found a slave ship, and sort of ... decided to take care of things. I think Ko-lin and Tyzonn were going stir-crazy. They said they'd meet us back here." He cleared his throat. "So. Where's this long-lost daughter of yours I heard so much about?"
"I kicked most of B Squad out for the day," Wes told him with a guilty smile. "They haven't had much to do, so I told Sky and Z to go find Eric a new cat." He paused, glancing at the window behind them with a frown. "How are they?" he asked softly.
Zhane sighed, running a hand over his hair. "They're alive," he confirmed quietly. "But they're in pretty bad shape. Health-wise, nothing some vitamins and TLC won't cure. But ... " He shook his head. "Ran was having nightmares on the way home. They were getting pretty bad."
"And the others?" Justin wanted to know, frowning worriedly.
He let out another sigh. "Charlie's acting like Ms. Perfect soldier. The only thing that makes her show *any* emotion whatsoever is Andros, and for some reason she won't meet his eyes. It's like she feels guilty, like she let him down or something. Sara ... well, Sara's Sara. He's the only one being more quiet than Charlie, but at least with him that's normal. James has been making weird comments about things. Like - the infirmary is brighter than he remembered. Or S.P.D. never seemed so shiny before. Stuff like that. Michael mostly hovers over Ran, and Ashley's got the idea that we shouldn't say anything to Cassie or Ko-lin about that just yet."
"What do *you* think?" Wes persisted, looking at Zhane. Because he knew fewer people that were a better judge of character than Zhane.
"Justin! Wes!" Ashley squealed from down the hall, running towards them with Andros following at a more sedate pace.
And then there was rounds of hugs and greetings and welcoming home the rest of the rescue team, making sure everyone was all right. They were all tired, but happy, and definitely glad to be home. Having them all together should have made him feel more peaceful than he had in a long time.
But it didn't.
Because something was off. He didn't know what it was, just that something wasn't right. And whatever it was was like an itch in a place he couldn't scratch: it wouldn't stop bothering him, but he couldn't do anything about it either.
Somewhere during all the chatter he found heard Kimberly call over the din as she finally turned away from her husband. "Cruger wants A Squad and B Squad in the Command Center as soon as Aisha is willing to let A Squad out of her sight."
He sighed. "That should be interesting," he grumbled. "Somehow I can't picture the debriefing going over very well."
"How'd they do?" Jason spoke up, his eyes intent despite his exhaustion.
He looked up, meeting his gaze and offering him a soft, reassuring smile. "They made you proud."
"I knew they would," Jason scoffed immediately, but he radiated pleasure even as he folded his arms.
"Hey, wait a minute," Zhane said suddenly, turning to stare. "You married *Eric*?!"
"You've got to be kidding me. B Squad?! When was the last time Cruger called us B Squad?! I mean, we work our butts off all year. And then we're ordered to leave the command center like some D Squad newcomers?!"
Wes sighed, glancing to Justin as they heard the shouting from all the way down the hall. "I was afraid this was going to happen," he murmured.
Justin shrugged. "Can you blame them?" he asked practically. "They've been our only Rangers for almost a year now. And now they have to share that spot with another team, and act like they're okay with that."
He shook his head. "There's gotta be a better way to work things out than to make them feel like they're lesser Rangers just because they're in a lower Squad. I mean, they're A Squad level now!"
Jason looked at him in surprise. "You really think they are?"
He nodded seriously, unsurprised when Justin agreed. "The things they've been through the last year ... They're not our little cadets anymore, Jase. They're really Rangers now."
Jason sighed too, frowning down at the ground for a moment. "We'll have to talk things over with Andros and Tommy, then," he murmured. "See if we can work something out. It wouldn't be right to just treat them like lower-level cadets all over again."
"And Kim," he said without thinking.
It wasn't until Jason eyed him that he realized what he'd said. He shrugged. "Kim's been our R.C. for a year. She knows B Squad, and she knows Cruger."
"And she's an expert negotiator, which can't hurt," Justin offered.
"That doesn't mean we have to like it," they heard Z say as they rounded the corner and watched the four angry cadets.
"Or maybe Cruger was thinking he'd debrief A Squad while someone else finally got the chance to talk to you guys," Jason spoke up.
Wes grinned as B Squad turned to look at them. Jason just smirked, waiting expectantly. Behind him, he could hear Justin and Zhane snickering.
"Uncle Jason!" Syd shrieked, sprinting across the room to fling herself into his arms. "You're here! You're *back*!" She paused, pulling back to stare at him suspiciously. "You are back, aren't you?"
"I'm *home*," he corrected her with a smile, ruffling her hair lightly. "And yes, we're home to stay."
"Oh, thank goodness!" she wailed, clinging to him again. "It's been horrible! Not that the Commander's bad exactly, but he just doesn't understand how we work, or why we do things, and he doesn't know when to let us figure things out on our own! And he's always making me break a nail, and get my hair dirty, and he never even cares! And so much as happened, and he couldn't make it better the way you do. He just ... he's not .... "
"He wasn't a Ranger," Sky finished quietly as he came forward. "And even now that he is, he's not you."
Jason's smile softened as he squeezed Syd in one arm, using the other to pull Sky close mostly against the teen's will. "I missed you guys," he told them quietly. "And I'm sorry I left you for so long."
"It's okay, Uncle Jason. We forgive you," Syd promised, patting his arm.
He raised an eyebrow. "You forgive me without bribes?"
She giggled. "Well, I didn't say that ... "
"There's a lot we need to catch up on," Sky told him. "A lot's happened."
"I want to hear every word of it," Jason promised. Then he glanced around, frowning. "Why do I have a suspiciously empty spot in front of me?" he demanded abruptly. "Where's my other nephew? Bridge?"
Bridge it seemed, was staring out a window, ignoring them all.
Sky sighed. "Bridge!"
Bridge jumped, glancing back, and Wes tried not to think about whether or not it meant something that he only noticed Sky calling for him.
"Uh, sorry. I was just thinking," he confessed. Then he blinked. "Uncle Jason?"
Jason smiled, tilting his head in invitation. "Come here, Bridge."
Bridge wandered over obediently to give Jason a hug of his own, but it was obvious that he was distracted as he smiled blandly at no one in particular.
"Bridge?" Jack spoke up. "You all right?"
"Hmm?" Bridge blinked over at him. "Oh. Sorry. It's just ... I have a really bad feeling guys, kinda like the feeling I had before?"
"Bad feeling?" Sky asked warily.
Jason frowned. "Like what sort of bad feeling?"
Bridge shrugged a little, glancing briefly at his feet before looking back up to meet Jason's eyes. "Well, right before A Squad disappeared, I noticed their colors were off. And I just had this really bad feeling, like something bad was about to happen."
Immediately Wes found Jason looking at him, and he sighed. "Yeah," he admitted. "I can't say anything about auras, but the bad feeling's been lingering for awhile. And it didn't get any better when I saw A Squad."
Almost as if in answer, alarms began shrieking throughout the room.
Jack reached for his morpher without thinking, and he wasn't the only one. "Go for Jack," he ordered.
"This is Wes." He paused, glancing back over his shoulder. "I'm with Justin, Zhane, Jason, and B Squad. What's going on?"
"Cruger's been kidnapped," Eric informed him, sounding grim. "And video surveillance shows A Squad as the ones that did it."
The room went deathly still. "We're on our way," he said at last.