Another repost for
Author/: Tsukino Akume
Fandom/: Power Rangers Time Force moving into S.P.D., multiple Rangers from each season
Characters/: Wes (Time Force), multiple Rangers from other teams (Literally too many to list)
Pairings/: Post - Wes/Eric, Rocky/Adam/ Shane/Dustin, Hunter/Cam/ Carter/Dana, Andros/Ashley, Zhane/Karone, Carlos/Ronny, Jason/Taylor, Conner/Ethan, Justin/Rose, Tommy/Kimberly, Tyzonn/Mack, Cassie/OC, Nick/Maddison, Zack/Aisha, Trent/Kira, Post - Billy/Crestria. Future Ryan/Carter and Billy/Hayley. More couples will most likely be mentioned, but not shown.
prompt/: #7: Sunset
Rating/: T (For non - graphic mentions of people having babies and being violent with one another)
Disclaimer/: I don't own the Power Rangers, but if Disney's hiring any new writers I volunteer.
Summary/: When Wes' life starts to fall apart, an accident gives him a chance at a fresh start in New Tech City, with Space Partol Delta. But even a new life has its ups and downs - and weird friends. Meanwhile, Eric tries to move on.
Warnings/: A mentally handicapped person living in a medical facility, angst, male and female slash, non - cemented couples (In otherwords, pairings that will be separated), children created by scientific means
Author's Notes/: Mwaha! And the S.P.D. Rangers are about to have their first major catastrophic event. Which, even in the womb, they have the ability to create. Because B Squad is just special like that. -Evil grin-
"Hey, Rose? You seen Nes?" Wes asked, poking his head into the Tech Department.
Rose Ortiz glanced up at him, raising her eyebrows in a look he could see through her protective goggles all the way across the room. "Shouldn't be keeping your own tabs on your wife?"
He sighed, debating whether or not to argue over Vanessa not being his wife, then decided it wasn't worth it. "Have you seen her or no?"
"She was complaining about you again when she left, if that means anything."
"Ah ... " He nodded in understanding. "Baby issues."
"You know, it's sorta freaky how well you understand each other for two people who swear they're not dating," Ethan commented, brushing past him as he went into the lab.
Wes scowled. *Ethan* he could argue with; Rose was just ... scary sometimes. "I could say the same thing about you and Conner."
Ethan glared at him. "We're *not* dating."
"Neither are we," he retorted. "But at least I can say that Vanessa doesn't stay in my room every time she visits S.P.D. and spends half her time following me around until she finally gets bored."
Ethan flushed. "We're still not dating," he insisted.
"But you're something."
"No, we're not! Why does everyone have to label everything? Why can't Conner and I just be friends?" he ranted.
"With benefits?" Rose murmured absently.
Ethan spun around, reaching for something that looked heavy and blunt, and Wes bid a hasty retreat. He was *not* getting in the middle of one of their arguments. The last time it had escalated bad enough for Andrew to call security. T.J.'s nose was broken, Carter had a dislocated shoulder, Zack limped for a week, and Hunter managed to 'accidentally' electrocute all the Grunts *and* Techs.
And Ryan had been nasty to everyone for almost a month. No one had been willing to ask what *he'd* injured.
"Hey, Dustin!" Wes called.
Dustin stopped, turning around to blink at him, then beamed. "Dude, Wes! What's up, man?"
"Thanks for the M&Ms," he told him with a grin.
Somehow Dustin's smile seemed to grow even wider. "Easter's coming, Dude. We gotta stock up on Tori Colors while we can," he told him seriously.
Wes shook his head, amused. "I'll take your word for it. You seen Nes?"
Dustin frowned, scratching his head for a moment. "Uh ... I think I saw her somewhere around DVD. She was taking a look at that project I had. The robot dog thing?"
Wes smiled, inwardly wondering why in the world anyone would want a robot dog. But with Dustin, he'd found it was better not to try and understand his reasoning. "So she's in there?"
"Uh, no Dude. At least, I don't think so." He hesitated. "I left 'cause Carlos and Ronny were, uh ... " He shifted uncomfortably. "'Talking'."
Wes raised his eyebrows; he could *hear* the quotation marks in that sentence. "'Talking'?"
" ... Yeah. Um, try with the Floaters. She might have gone that way. Just uh, try and keep away from the main Drill Sarge office."
He looked at him oddly.
Dustin sighed, glancing around the hallway for anyone that might overhear. "Jason and Taylor are uh, talking too. And they're sorta loud."
He stared.
"Later!" Dustin said quickly, hurrying down the hall.
After a minute, Wes slowly shook his head. He *really* didn't think he'd needed to know that.
He'd been a member of S.P.D. for about two months now. It had been hard to adjust, but he was beginning to start enjoying himself here. There was always something to do, and some sort of crazy situation or rumor running around.
The Rumor Mill was a almost entirely a product of the Ambassadors, Kimberly, Zhane, Mack, and Tyzonn, although Zack had been seen snickering with them more than once. If there was anything to know or anyone having some sort of development in their love life, the Rumor Mill knew about it. Their current topic, now that the disbelief of that Taylor had *finally* cornered Jason long enough to ask him out - he'd had to listen to her debate over it for *weeks* - was over, was all the flirting between Carlos and Ronnie. Something they all feared, after the last time the pair had gotten into a fierce race while test driving the newest S.P.D. - issued jeeps. Carlos was normally a pretty calm and amiable guy, but something about Ronnie brought out a competitive streak in him no one had realized he had.
For some reason, some of the S.P.D. former Ranger crew had decided that they need a morale committee, or 'The Happy People' - Dustin *really* needed to stop nicknaming everything. Zhane apparently didn't have enough to do between his duties as an Ambassador and the Rumor Mill, so he'd recruited Dustin, Rocky, Dax, and Chip to help keep everyone's spirits high. Any pranks, strange decorations, or random gifts were all credited to The Happy People. They were the ones who had somehow managed to sneak into his room and redecorate it in enough shades of red and white you could barely see any of the gray anymore - not that he minded so much. They put up holiday decorations, re - labeled doorways, hid silly string in strange places, spray - painted washable graffiti, and whatever else they could come up with. The happy face posters they'd put up all over the place seemed to be their symbol. Their most recent protect had been to pass around M&Ms for Easter - Ranger Color specific, of course.
Wes now found himself with friends all over the place. He had Taylor when he needed someone to complain with, Carter, Ryan, Andros, or Jason if he wanted to spar and work off some steam. Karone taught him a lot about the galaxy he lived in, let alone the ones beyond them whenever he visited her. All of the Docs, Aisha, Ashley, and more recently Katherine, led by Dana, mothered him the moment they got the chance. Surprisingly he'd found a kindred spirit in Mack Hartford, who was able to complain heartily with him about overprotective wealthy fathers and mothering butlers while his own father Andrew pretended to ignore them in the background. And of course Vanessa, his confidant and best friend. Anywhere he went, there was now someone to laugh and talk with, someone to tease and make himself smile in return. S.P.D. was already more than just a job; it was a family.
And the more he thought about it that way, the more he kinda liked it.
"Nes! There you are!" he called in relief. "I've been looking all over for you!"
Vanessa gave him another dark look. "I'm bloated, I'm tired, and I can't get comfortable no matter what I do. And it's all your fault. Choose your next words wisely: what the hell do you want?"
He held up his hands in surrender. "I was trying to answer the memo you sent me, but I'm still having trouble with the e - mail voice - message system thingy, so I figured I'd just track you down in person."
She rolled her eyes. "Honestly Wes, it's not that complicated. You select message mode, find the person you want to send it to in the database, label it public or private, press record, look at the screen, and say your message."
"I feel like I'm talking to myself whenever I do that," he complained. "And half the time I hit the wrong button instead of record, so I really *am* talking to myself. And I never get that public/private thing right."
She sighed. "We're getting ready to do the first tests for the Morpher Project next week. I thought you might like to be there. Are you coming or not?"
He blinked. "Sure," he told her, feeling flattered. The first testing for S.P.D.'s new morphers? That was a historic event. "Are you sure I have enough seniority to be there?" he asked after a pause.
She laughed at him. "Wes, it's not anything official. Our department and the Awesome Trio are just getting together for a test run. Dustin's showing up for any mechanical issues, and we had to promise Cruger we'd get one of the doctors and a couple of people from security. You can pretend you're working with security for the day; you've got the experience," she added with a teasing grin.
He made a face at her, secretly pleased that he'd been able to cheer her up. The pregnancy had been unexpected and unplanned, and she'd admitted to having trouble dealing with it at times. "Just for that I outta bring Hunter or Blake in with me, since you're going to have Ethan and Rose in the same room again."
"No!" she said sharply. "No one with any electrical abilities is setting foot in that room."
He grinned. "You know they'd take offense if they heard you call it 'electrical'."
"Good for them. I'm already unhappy about Blue Brat and Perfect Pink being in a room together. Especially with His Royal Highness, the all - mighty Cam technically in charge of everything."
He gave her an amused look. "You know, it almost sounds like you hate everyone who works on the technology floor."
"You know me better than that by now," she pointed out with a humph.
He did; they drove her crazy, but Vanessa only complained about the people she loved and respected most.
Which said a lot about their own relationship when he thought about it.
He shook his head. "Dinner and a movie?"
"If you treat and make sure it's somewhere with a view, I'll be out before sunset."
He grinned. "Deal."