Title: The Fake Christmas Tree
tsukixchan Pairing: Kibum/Junghwa (OC), Kevin/Miyun (OC)
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: { 563 }
A/N: Merry Christmas to Carmen… again! (And a Happy New Year! :3)
Kim Junghwa stands on her tiptoes, trying desperately to affix the bright golden star to the top of the forest green, fake Christmas tree. After all, it’s not like their house could fit an entire, real Christmas tree… could it? She stretches as far as she can, fingers barely brushing the tip of the Christmas tree. She is not tall enough to firmly fix the star to the top, and she eventually gives up with a sigh, stretching out the new cramp in her back that has suddenly appeared.
“How will I ever get this thing up there?” She sighs dejectedly, saddened by the fact that her height is the barrier to the completion of their beautiful Christmas tree.
“Having some problems?” A familiar voice laughs, and Junghwa turns to see Kim Kibum standing behind her.
“It’s not funny, oppa! I can’t get the star on top of the tree!” The 18-year-old protests unhappily. Kibum laughs and merely urges her to try again. Junghwa continues to protest fruitlessly, with Kibum completely ignoring her words, until they are interrupted by a small voice.
“What are unnie and oppa doing?” A petite figure stands in the doorway, holding PiroPiro, the stuffed animal mascot of Kibum’s company, HnB Company, tightly in her arms and dressed in a nightgown. Lee Miyun is the baby of the family, both in stature and age. Kibum decides that Junghwa gets to answer, and instead waits for Miyun’s ‘shadow’ to appear behind her.
“We’re trying to hang the star on top of the tree!” Junghwa says, angry at the star for refusing to cooperate. Miyun giggles softly, and a slim boy comes to stand behind her.
“There you are, Miyun!” Kevin Woo frowns. “Why do you keep on running away?” Kibum laughs.
“Is she running from you now, Vinnie?” Kibum says, and Kevin pouts at the statement. Miyun steps into the room to approach the frustrated Junghwa, laying a hand on the older girl’s arm gently.
“I don’t think so?” Kevin says uncertainly, eyes following the 17-year-old. Junghwa and Miyun are speaking animatedly, and Miyun comes to tug on Kibum’s sleeve.
“What is it?” Kibum says, and Miyun smiles.
“Oppa? Can you help us put the star on top of the tree?” She asks, and Kibum makes a face. Junghwa joins in the begging.
“Pleaseeeeee, oppa?” She whines, and Kibum sighs in defeat.
“Alright, alright… give me the star!” Kibum gives in, and the two girls squeal simultaneously. Junghwa happily hands Kibum the star, and he affixes it to the top of the Christmas tree without any problems.
“Are you running from me, Yunnie?” Kevin asks hesitantly, and Miyun steps into the 19-year-old’s arms.
“No, Kev, I’m not.” She says softly, smiling as Kevin’s face relaxes.
“Thank you, Kibummie!” Junghwa exclaims happily, throwing her arms around the 20-year-old.
Kibum smiles gently at the still childish girl. “You’re welcome, Hwa.” Junghwa beams and admires the now perfectly (in her opinion) decorated tree.
“Merry Merry Christmas!” Junghwa shouts.
“And a Happy New Year!” Kibum finishes, as they draw close to each other and close their lips in a welcome to the New Year.
“A new year is a new beginning…” Kevin says softly.
“Let’s make it perfect.” Miyun replies, smiling as her boyfriend kisses her softly on the lips.
Junghwa beams. “I can’t wait for the New Year! Another year… with everyone!”