Title: Of Aliens and Kisses
tsukixchan Prompt #051: Aliens
Pairing: Ryeowook/Kyuhyun
Rating: G
Word Count: { 115 }
Genre: Fluff, humor
A/N: Some fluffy Kyuwook laughter! …Hopefully, I can induce that. :D OMFG, an insane amount of posting going on today :D
"Ahhh!" Ryeowook screams. He buries his head into the magnae beside him. Kyuhyun sighs.
"Hyung, it's just a movie!" He says, patting Ryeowook gently on the shoulder. Ryeowook lifts his head, all puppy eyes and pure adorableness.
"But… Kyuhyunnie… there are ALIENS!" Ryeowook wails, hiding his eyes from the screen.
"Aliens? They can suck out your brains… and make extraterrestrial communications! And… they're after you." Ryeowook shrieks, fainting into Kyuhyun's arms. Kyuhyun glares up at the newcomer.
"Thanks a lot, hyung." He says sarcastically.
Donghae grins. "Anytime!" He says cheerfully, skipping out of the room. Kyuhyun smiles, pressing a kiss to Ryeowook's forehead.
Ryeowook grins. Pretending to be unconscious does have its benefits after all.