Title: Drunk (Part l)
tsukiyomi_aoiPairing/Subject: HikkaBu
Rating: NC17
Genre: oneshot,yaoi,smut
Warning: This chp is contains heavy RAPED SCENES and is a fic Hikaru as seme Yabu as uke! Don't enter if you can't accept!
Summary: Hikaru is drunk, and he did cruel things to Yabu.<- *that's it! i really hate to write summary!*
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Comments 3
anyone's fine just don't make him stumbled upon 7s, please
I don't know why
I just still find them cute and underage (despite the fact that all of them are twenty now)
*trying to calm my self*
Why are you so mean to Yabu?!
You should tresure your boyfriend more! *scolding Hika*
This fic is soooo greeaat~
I'll be waiting for the next part!
as always, your fic tortured Yabu so much,
and I love it~ *whacked by Yabu*
Thank you so much for sharing this <3<3
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