My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haultsukude goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a flapper!.
dilario gives you 13 brown raspberry-flavoured gumdrops.
indigohymn tricks you! You lose 8 pieces of candy!
queenmeshi gives you 5 orange spearmint-flavoured pieces of taffy.
serenity_winner tricks you! You get a 3.5-inch floppy disc.
szayzel gives you 8 milky white coffee-flavoured jawbreakers.
themodestotter gives you 6 red-orange coconut-flavoured gummy worms.
unluckylasers gives you 13 yellow root beer-flavoured gummy bats.tsukude ends up with 37 pieces of candy, and a 3.5-inch floppy disc.Another fun meme brought to you by
Thanks for the floppydisk Katie but maybe you should get back to the year 2009
also you're welcome for the candy Riss >:(