Title: If You Want Closure in Your Relationship (start with your legs) Author: tsumetaikaze Fandom/Pairing: Merlin [Arthur/Merlin, Lance/Gwen, past Gwaine/Merlin, side Leon/Morgana, side Gwaine/Anything Willing]
Wow this confuses the hell out of me...is something wrong with Merlin mentally? I mean he tells Arthur he wants him to grow up but he throws bossy fits because someone likes the same painting. Then apologizes like he should suddenly know 'this is Merlin's painting back away'?
Merlin has anxiety, which is explained in the notes. In his case it manifests as fear and inability to cope with change to routine, especially routine that helps him clear his head. The last argument was mostly a clash of severely different personalities, though Merlin's ridiculousness comes out later when people point out to him exactly what you said.
Haha no no it's cool. Man you should've seen it when I first started writing it: I read through it again and was like 'you. shut up. you are absurd.' :P Hope you enjoy the rest of it! Should be up soon :)
I think Arthur should kick Merlin's ass. He's being a total meanie about it. Hopefully, he'll realize just how badly he's acting toward Arthur although I doubt Arthur will be so nice to him in future. Great job.
Comments 7
Hope you enjoy the rest of it! Should be up soon :)
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