[Fanart] PoT - Echizen Ryoma and DGM - AllenLavi

May 26, 2008 21:02

I just realized that I haven't posted a fanart here in such a long time.

So I went onto my dA and found the latest PoT fanart I had on there. And here it is.

This means I really need to draw more PoT fanart. :O

And here's another one - my latest D.Gray-Man. LavixAllen goodness. Sort of. XD

So g'night peoples~

ryoma, fanart, deviant art, echizen, laviallen, d.gray-man, prince of tennis

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Comments 6

speadee May 27 2008, 10:24:28 UTC
Sorry I'm so behind and haven't been able to get back to you. School was busy the past two weeks.

Sorry Tina acted that way. I wouldn't do something people don't want me to do.

I like your dA drawing. Don't worry about the pictures. Take your time.

Though I try to suppress my bad moods, they could still sneak out sometimes. I guess that's why I would try to avoid people. I think the fear of embarrassment and trouble helps me suppress.

Thanks for the birthday information!

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Don't worry about it. Sorry if I wasn't clear. It's easy to get confused, especially with so many things.

Fortunately, I didn't have a bad teacher for AP U.S. History. I don't think school subjects determine whether a teacher is bad or good. On the other hand, a bad teacher can ruin a subject while a good teacher could improve it.

There are some good changes, but I'm just too resistant. However, there are times when I want a change of something.

It's true we live in a corrupt society, and it's just getting worse.


tsumetaitsubasa May 27 2008, 21:27:52 UTC
It's alright~ :D

XDD Haha. True, but it was all for fun.

Thank you~ Will do.

Same here. At times.



speadee May 29 2008, 12:19:29 UTC
At least you were doing it for fun, and I hope Tina understand and didn't stay mad at you. It sounds like there was no harm done.

Reply to comment: I've had teachers and professors like that: just ramble and mumble lectures. They are so boring, and you usually don't get what they are talking about.


tsumetaitsubasa May 30 2008, 01:27:37 UTC
xD Yeah, I'll probably end up doing it again though - just to annoy her. Then again, maybe not.


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