[FIC] Always Keep the Faith

Oct 09, 2009 22:01

Title: Always Keep the Faith
Fandom: DBSK
Rating: Gen
Genre: Gen
Pairing(s): Slight JaeChun
Disclaimer: I claim no ownership.
Note: Not exactly canonally correct but it's molded to best fit the story.
Betaed by the wonderful nakasty~

Jaejoong later decides he wants to fly... )

dbsk, fanfic, jaechun

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Comments 6

jace_wayland October 10 2009, 03:59:09 UTC
-flails happily-

-glomps- :D


poppy_sky October 10 2009, 04:17:53 UTC
Their relationship is so heart-warming T^T

but...doesn't Yoochun's tattoo say "TVfXQ MYC" ?


tsumetaitsubasa October 14 2009, 01:14:30 UTC
Um yeah but as you can see, I'm ignoring some canon details. The timeline is a bit off and I have no idea when they got their tattoos much less that they got it together.


poppy_sky October 14 2009, 01:50:23 UTC
I guessed as much, but I was just making sure

Anyway, great job!


chloe1910 October 10 2009, 04:30:01 UTC
so beautiful....♥♥♥


dongbangnie October 10 2009, 10:29:51 UTC
sweet~ ^^


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