Day Twenty-nine - (Day 52/Tuesday)
Sai has a
short breakfast with Naruto, but nothing much else happens during the rest of the day.
Dinner is also silent.
That night, he tries once more to reach Artemis and Haku, but
finds their room empty. He
changes his plans and
meets up with Naruto instead. The
two of them head out to the
rec field where they're attacked by Sechs. They manage to
escape over the wall and, once they recover,
find their way to the ruins where
their shadows appear.
Day Thirty - (Day 53/Wednesday)
In the morning, having missed breakfast, he
speaks to Tsubaki about the shadows and finds out he wasn't alone in his experience. Later, he spends some more
quiet time in the sun room. At
dinner, he finds out he has a new room and a new roommate.
He is to meet with teammates that night, but ends up sleeping through it.