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You wake up on Senburu-Trati'salan, a falling apart space station. Or maybe you came here willingly. Or maybe you're an agent for...
The Fay'lia empire, a sprawling, psuedo-Roman, multidimensional empire. And by showing up on the station, you're now a dangerous terrorist in their eyes. Your job is to travel around the multiverse, recruiting others to the cause of la resistance.
Entanglement is a small, niche game where the characters take on the role of rebels against (or agents for) The Empire. Because of the extreme disparity in military strength, the emphasis is on non-military ways of trying to defeat the empire.
AnarchyIsChaos: Largely averted. The station gets along with a rather jerry rigged political structure.
ArmiesAreEvil: IC view held by some characters and many of the NPC hippies. Particularly evident in Sheeana and Talbot's feuding, although how much of that is real ideology and how much is them just plain not liking each other is not clear.
AssInAmbassador: Literally, in Sandoval's case. He just doesn't seem to get (or perhaps not care) that most nation's diplomatic affairs don't include orgies.
BreadAndCircuses: The Fay'lia way of governing.
Deconstruction: Iksilaar, of NobleSavage. Geldheim of Christmas stories in general.
DisasterDemocracy: Sometimes.
EverythingsSquishierWithCephalopods: The octopus chef
HauledBeforeASenateSubcommitee: What the MHB (Fay'lia secret police) proposed as a deal for letting the station go from the universe of Cat Planet
LaResistance: They're even called that.
LesCollaberateurs: The characters who are secretly spying for the Fay'lia
LotusEaterMachine: Drosselmeyer's machine, from the convention planet
MoodWhiplash: Frequent, as the missions tend to alternate between the silly and the serious. Sometimes happens in the same mission.
NewAgeRetroHippie: Most of the NPCs on the station are this
NPC: One of the few LJ RPs to include a large population of these and allow player use of most of them.
OccupiersOutOfOurCountry: The station's primary message.
OurElvesAreDifferent: The Fay'lia appear to be decadent high elves, with a distinct Roman influence
PlanetOfHats: The first plot was actually called that.
PublicServiceAnnouncement: The Fay'lia do this a lot. So do the characters, occasionally. It's usually little more than propaganda for either side.
[[TheAllegedCar]]TheAllegedSpaceStation: Senburu-trati'salan is this. Bhor, to a lesser extent.
TheEmpire: The Fay'lia
TheLeisureSuitLarry: Sah'ot, Sandoval, Zevran and [[NPC]]Spiderbeam
ThirtyXanatosPileup: Appears to be shaping up to happen with the two [Stargate]Goa'uld and Adria, Gauron, the Bene Gesserit and the various Fay'lia agencies all trying to out-manipulate each other.
TheWarOnStraw: An in-universe example
TreacheryCoverUp: Whoever programmed Meteo Spiderbeam's ship to crash into the station
YourTerroristsAreOurFreedomFighters: Part of the point of the premise.