* - I don't think he has a happiest icon, rly. ** - this one ends in 044 and is one of the few icons I can remember what its number is when the browse feature isn't working *** - I like my Lippi and TYL and child icons a lot too and would like to use them but it is terribly hard to figure out how **** - THIS TOTALLY COUNTS AS AN EXPRESSION ***** - CLOUD IS IN THIS ONE I used to have cuter icons but I deleted them to get to the plus level whoop. I rarely used them x3; ^ - it's just a really pretty icon ^^ - I think she smiles once. And I didn't icon it. Oops. ^^^ - placeholder for when I finally get off my ass and make icons of the graveyard-widow scene ^^^^ - I THINK!? @ - well it had to be an icon with Miharu in it. And I like how Yoi-te's looking at Miharu in this one ): @@ - ... roofies.