
Jul 27, 2008 21:15

Character Name: Sakurai Yuuto
Age: 19?
Series: Kamen Rider Den-O [ wiki ]
Canon: If you combine life lessons such as "be careful what you wish for", "don't take candy from strangers" and "time travel is bad for your health" all together you may get something like Kamen Rider Den-O. When creatures from the future called 'imagin' head to the past to change time for their benefit the world needs a hero. What the world gets is a main character that probably beats himself up more than the enemies do through the power of klutz. Is there any hope for the future?

Thankfully the world has Sakurai Yuuto. Yuuto is established from the start as kind of a douche: he derides the main character, keeps all the knowledge about the secretive and elusive disappearing future to himself and is definitely not here to make friends or play nice. Underneath all this prickly tsuntsun, however, is a thoroughly squishy-centered kid who is trying to stand bigger and taller than he is. The person who probably knows this the best is Deneb, the imagin with whom Yuuto forms a contract. Deneb often attempts to solve Yuuto's lack of friends by possessing him and being social for him, something that Yuuto feels compelled to lovingly lovingly beat him up over.

Note: In the imagin anime it is revealed Yuuto went to Mexico for an appendix transplant. Try to not question Den-O logic too much.

Sample Post:


What the hell is this!? I told you don't sign me up for things without my permission just because you think it will help! It won't! You're an idiot! Who signs up for something called 'Camp For Unorganized Donors' anyway? And what kind of camp kidnaps people? I bet it's not even a camp, look at this place. It's a swamp. If you signed me up for this just because it had a cute sign... I'll never forgive you. Geez, what kind of moron goes to a swamp for recovery after an organ transplant?

Now that I'm thinking about it, what kind of recovery program is in a swamp. It wouldn't do you any good. Things like organ donation should happen in a hospital, not out here. Whatever, I'm not going to care about a place run by someone who calls themselves Lord Gwarg of the Dialysith. Especially not with how it advertises itself. Why would anyone agree to go to a place that claims to 'bring out the Dark Side in all their patients, along with the waste in their kidneys'. Tch, I'm leaving, this is a waste of time.

Oi! I don't need a doctor to discharge me, especially not a doctor whose skin is peeling off of half his face! Shouldn't a doctor look healthier than his patients? . . .Don't answer that. I don't care. I'm not going to wait around for him to gather himself up to sign a piece of paper. I wasn't here to recover. I don't even remember checking in! You might have written down here that you took my kidney, but words like that don't matter at all.

I've never been sick and have good luck when it comes to avoiding hospitals. Twice as good if it comes to missing limbs, which is something I can't say for you. If you want to try and stop me you're better off with two arms, or just getting out of the way. Grabbing someone else's arms isn't going to help you either. But if you want to start a fight, fine. I'll definitely crush you.

Let me say this to start, even with one kidney, I'm pretty strong!
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