Shipping Meme

Jan 16, 2008 18:47

Yesh, so....I still don't know how to use this site..........-____-

BUT! I'm willing to try, after the cajoling from empyrealfantasy 
So without further ado, here is....the Shipping Meme!

Six ships you like:

1. Severus x Harry
2. Kensei x Hiro
3. Voldemort x Harry
4. Sasuke x Naruto
5. Ichigo x Hichigo/Shirosaki
6. L x RaitoHeya

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:

7. Harry x Draco
8. Sesshoumaru x Kagome
9. Inuyasha x Kagome

Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:

10. Harry x Ginny
11. Naruto x Sakura
12. Sasuke x Sakura

Two ships you're curious about but haven't actually started shipping:

13. Hikaru x Sai
14. Sakura x Ino (Shippuden)

Three ships you like but don't admit to liking (guilty pleasures):

15. Harry x James
16. Nathan x Peter
17. Remus x Severus

1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?
Sakura continually beat him up for nothing more than his infatuation. Just for that I hated her. Plus, fandom has taught me to loathe her character in any shape or form. XD

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13?
Ummm....some writers on that I can't remember the names of? There aren't a lot of good quality fics of that pairing there, so I don't really get into it.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?
Harry = DARK and/or evil.  See: Paraselenic by
empyrealfantasyor my own fics....which I'm too lazy to post here because I can't figure anything out. XD  (But Katie isn't, so here's a linkie to Tsurai's FF/net profile.  Ooohoho...))  The Fantabulous Works of Tsurai no Shi

4. Why don't you admit to #16?
Well, it's incest for one thing. (Petrellicest!) I know there are a lot of good writers for it, but my family is still just getting into the yaoi stuff, let alone...*cough*

5. Which is your favourite episode for #1? Try to pick just one, if you can.
Hmmm, movie 5, because Snape grabs Harry's hand to drag him down the stairs for Occlumency lessons.

6. How long have you been following couple #6?
Just in the past few months, since I finished the recent Bleach chapters. The pairing occured to em and I searched for what little of it the net had to offer. XD Now a bit of an epic in progress, but put on the backburner for now to make way for Un Coeur Gris....lest bodily harm come to me by way of my beta.

7. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?
It was all the same thing written by 14 year old fangirls who don't have a speck of grammar worth mentioning... and I just can't read het anymore, anyway.  XD

8. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?
GAH....Well, I've followed SasuNaru for so much longer, and it was actually the first yaoi I glimpsed. (And I was all: O_o....*goes to read Harry Potter, only to stumble on a SS/HP and get sucked in* 
But Kiro is just so....wonderful! It's an interesting pairing, what with the paradoxes of a do-gooder timetraveler and an immortal villain who's only evil because the timetraveler broke his heart. XD (OMG, that suddenly sounds so like the UCG plotline....)

9. You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12.
10!!!!1! I want to BURN the epilogue and force JKR to write a vague one, where Harry may or may not be married and have kids, and SEVERUS IS STILL ALIVE. And Ginny was dead. Dead, I say.

10. Why is #15 a guilty pleasure?
Because... it is so wrong... but I read 'The Hollow Men' and fell in love with it from the start.

11. What interests you about #14?
I've read all of two SakuIno fics, and they were enough to pique my interest enough. It's just another one of those rival!ships, I guess. XD

12. When did you stop liking #7?
Looooooooooong time ago. All the stupid Veela/mate/Creature fics got old. Plus, all the clandestine feeling has gone from it, because ALL the other slash shippers like it...just doesn't have the allure 'forbidden love' anymore.

13. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?
Not really. More the fact that the IY fandom lacked any decent fodder at all.

14. What's a song that reminds you of #5?
I love the song 'King of Kings' by Manowar, and it reminds me a lot of the dialogue between Ichi and Shiro.

15. Which of these ships do you love the most?
GAWWWWD, don't ask that.....I can't answer!

16. Which do you dislike the most?

17. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
VoldemortHarry and KenseiHiro, because I just realized they have so much in common in my fandom...XXD

18. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like.
NOES! T_T *wants to pull Kensei out of that coffin and throw him and Hiro into a room Hiro can't transport out of* They'll be saying sexy Japanese nothings in no time!

19. What is the worst thing about #17?
Remus nearly killed Sevvy, and both are DEAD in canon.

20. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely?
No.  No happy ending.  I don't see it.  I see Sasuke returning in the end and sacrificing himself to save Naruto and Sakura, though.  I totally see him dying in the end... I just can't see them all living in the end.  I actually kind of hiope he dies, though, if it will save us from NaruHina and SasuSaku.  :P (Just left this the same as Empy's. XD)

21. What would make you start shipping #13?
Better fics to read that would make it worth my while to write and draw.

22. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?
JKR outs Harry as a closeted gay like she did with Dumbledore, Harry and Ginny get divorced and all the stupid het fans realized Ginny is a bitch. XP

naruto, harry potter, yaoi, slash, fanfiction

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