Title: We Become Light
Pairings: Nakai/Tsuyoshi, Kimura/Shingo/Goro
Rating: R for violence and swearing
Notes: Five men meet in a dystopian cyberpunk future to free their city from the Tower, with the help of motorcycle rebels, mysterious memories, and love.
Chapter Thirty-Nine )
Comments 1
I love how the Five Stars flashbacks are juxtaposed with the boys' current selves here, in this very telling moment when the history repeats itself but with a twist of wisdom that wasn't there the first time. it both explains what went wrong the first time, and gives you this heart-squeeze over how loving and united and together they are now (*sob*) and how that is why they can overcome anything (*sob sob*) and damn you, tsuri, for making me enjoying such a love-conquers-all-evil story.
also, yes please to Goro and crazy death-defying stunts. :D
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