Title are lyrics from Linkin Park's [Nobody's Listening].
After all that, I've made it. There's still the final presentation in late June, and finals' results won't be out until August or September (or later even, don't ask why it's on such a screwed up schedule), but to this point, I have done everything within my ability to reach this far.
It was the shortest and longest last semester I ever had to date. Short, because I had deadline after deadline after deadline of assignments. And long, because I practically locked myself up at home to see through it all. There were times I was so stressed that I didn't know if I should cry or laugh (I ended up doing both, which is really funny, looking back. Also a little scary). But in the end, I have reached this point.
Currently, I'm feeling a little out of sorts, because I suddenly have nothing much to do. Well. Okay. I have a lot of personal things to house-keep. My music library is a HUGE mess, and I have hundreds of unorganized photos in my computer. I took almost a week to overhaul my wardrobe, clear out my books, organize my papers and get rid of unwanted stuffs. I had to bear with the mess all this time, and it really tested my sanity levels. xD Of course, other than those personal things, what's left is the adult life. Job, of course. And I still have my list of goals that I have to accomplish.
But anyways, it's my break, and so I will have it! Lolz~ On a last note, the things that should've gone into my report's acknowledgement, but I didn't have the courage to do so:
My sister who whacks me when I needed to be whacked, or whenever she felt the need to do so. LOL ♥ Despite everything, you've listened to me and pushed me on. Now it's my turn to support you, so don't ever think that I won't understand! Even if I don't, just expect me to listen to you. YOU DESERVE TO GO AFTER YOUR GOALS TOO~!
Saku-chuu, who's always the best. HEE~ I cannot say this enough, but the distance between us may be large, but the connection we share is like no other. Always with your simple messages of encouragement and always being there - thank you for just being you and letting me be me. ♥!!
All seven cats of mine! You guys~~ Always sleeping while I'm working, making me laugh when I needed to, crying for attention so that I won't stare too long at the computer, demanding food so that I remember to eat also, looking cute to ease my stress and frustration, comforting me silently... The list goes on! All my seven cats, you are the best!! ♥~
I shall end this post with something that makes me crack up all the time. xD Kept me awake during the last stretch in May... Lol.
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