I read all of the currently existing Bakuman chapters this weekend. LOL I'm such a geek but whatever. I was like, okay, I'm sick of waiting for Reborn chapters the weekly SJ, so I'll just start a new series to have something to read! .......yeah, now I have to look forward to Fridays for two different manga.
Yeah this is what got me into the series. Cool kids who plug their own manga into their other series.
You'd think Shujin is gay, but no.
I finished reading Bakuman a few minutes ago so I decided to start Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and I must say it sounds pretty cool.
LOL OKAY, ANNE OF GREEN GABLES. I hot my freaking NAME because of that. ILU JAPAN *____*
"Okay, back to dying."
I swear I still like Reborn! .-.