Character's name: Han Solo
Character's LJ: Character's canon: Star Wars
Brief (around 300 words) personality outline of your character:
Cocky. Rude. Scoundrel. Han Solo is many things, but most of all, his history forged him into an ass the man he is today - always looking out for himself first and foremost. He does have bouts of compassion which raises him above other men of such profession, such as when he decides to save his friends.
He only trusts a selective few. His life is all about deception and tricking others; it has made him paranoid. Han's friendship is something you have to earn and by god he'll make you work for it. For most of his life, the man has lived with bounties on his head. Now that he's finally free, it doesn't mean he won't stop thinking about number one (and his ass), first and foremost.
That doesn't mean he's completely devoid of being nice. After all, he treats his best friend forever Chewie somewhat respectfully, and you can bet that if someone was to try to do something to him, Han would be the first in his ship to try and save the Wookie (which does make sense since he never wants anyone else to touch it). He's just not very good at being nice. After all, this is a guy, when confronted with probable death and being told by Leia that she loved him, merely replied “I know.” He has been getting better, thankfully, and he did manage to confess his love for the princess, promising to stay away from her if Luke came back, only to learn that the other man was Leia's brother (SCORE!!!)
Han is always on the watch of his surroundings. It's a light that never goes off, he's ready to draw the minute he suspects something might go bad. It doesn't help that he's one of the quickest men to pull the trigger in the galaxy. He enjoys not completely giving out everything he knows, letting the others figure things out for themselves. Neither-the-less, Han will boast about how fast his ship it, or how good a shot he can make. It just makes it that more frustrating when you realize he's not lying and can back up his claim and worst when he looks at you afterward with a shit-eating grin that just makes you want to punch him.
He is selfish at times. A lot of times. Han isn't beyond cheating at games to get what he wants, forge documents or betray people. There are two things he completely refuses to do; kill in cold blood or take a part in slave operations (he is not above working for a slaver in other matters, however.) But if you're a friend and worthy of his like, he'll (mostly) try to protect you through thick and thin. Just expect a lot of witty banter.
One could say he is a douche with a heart of gold.
Brief (around 500 words) history and background of your character OR link to a really good wiki page with their history. In either case, explain where they cut off from the timeline:
In a Galaxy far away...actually you know what, Star Wars canon is a bitch to explain so I will let wookiepedia do it for me; Han is taken just after the events of Battle at Endor. One minute he was celebrating with Ewoks, the next he woke up covered in alien snot.
Non-superhuman special abilities of note:
For someone who hangs around so many people that are force sensitive, Han has...none. Nada. That doesn't make him helpless however, far from it. He's still young in human terms, and standing at 180cms, not a particularly tall man but enough to suit his purposes. Besides, Chewbacca is tall enough for the both of them.
Fastest draw in the galaxy.
No, really. He totally shot first.
Han is good with them.
While he prefers shooting with his right hand, those that think they are going to get the best of him with this fact are in for a sore disappointment.
Scoundrel's Luck
He probably invented the phrase. With all his missions and actions, it almost seems as if Lady Luck is watching over him. Last minute escapes, near death experiences, Han is a fine connoisseur of them.
Han's plans tend to be not only original and extremely unorthodox by nature...but they tend to usually work., much to the annoyance of his friends. He is very quick to think them up too. A good example would be when he cut up a Tauntaun so he could put Luke in to keep his warm. Really, that is just gross man. But it worked.
He's very good with robotics. Very very good. He might not like droids or robots, but ask him to repair anything and he'll do it. If he can't do it, he'll find a way. A man with as much mechanical and inventive skills as him can be extremely dangerous.
Dish washing?
Don't ask him to do it but...he is very familiar with the practice and finer details of dish washing. (S-shut up, it's totally canon but like he would tell anyone.
...Okay, Chewie might know.)