CHARACTER NAME: Gabriel/Loki/The Trickster
Backtagging: Yes.
Threadhopping: Also allowed.
Fourthwalling: Ask before you do it prz :3
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Generally, I can handle these, but give me heads up for: incest, cutting, rape, pedophilia.
Hugging this character: Go for it! His reaction will either be to hug back enthusiastically, or to shove you off.
Kissing this character: Also go for it. If you're a woman, he is all over this. A man, it depends on how much it freaks you out. You may get shoved.
Flirting with this character: Always okay, regardless of gender.
Fighting with this character: You can try B) Just gimme a heads up.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Minor cuts, scrapes or bruises are fine (he'll heal, if you're from
eldorado_rpg ). Anything else, talk to me first.
Killing this character: Ask first please.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: If he has his powers, you'll find this hard to do, though you can get a sense of emotions off him. Ask me first if you really want to. If he's powerless, go ahead.
Warnings: Gabriel has daddy issues out the wazoo and likes to punish people he doesn't like/think deserve it. So watch out ;D
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