dont worry paul, we still love you! I've been pretty on edge myself. It might just be summer shock, or something--season changes sometimes create weird mood-swings. Not that it should be an excuse, but something to keep in mind. Anyways, talk to you tomorrow.
hmmm...sounds like how i've been too.i have had a really horrible week. but you know i still have God...i still have my family and that makes me feel a lot better. paul, i know you gotta whole bunch of people that care about you . everyone goes through stages that they feel sorry for themselves, or they're just sad.and yes its a downer but you got so much!!i will pray for you man.i need your prayers as well too!do you wanna kitten?those make people feel good. i can give you a KITTEN!!THEY ARE DRIVING ME NUTS... PLEASE TAKE ONE!;)
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