Well i've been doing alot of thinking....and finally made my new years resolutions. and my number 1 resolution is to Make People changes in my life.....i think its just time that some people stay in my past.
Do any of you have the following musical cd's and would be willing to burn me a copy? ~Two by Two ~leader of the pack ~Once upon a mattress ~your a good man charlie brown
This New Years Eve was possibly the best i have ever had. Jeff Had to work till 11:30pm which meant he wasnt going to be with me to bring in the new year (we'll talk about that later....but needless to say at this point i was a lil bummed). Was with just a few friends from EMU and Shane....nothing too big. It was
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1. Put your playlist on shuffle. 2. Post lyrics from the first 20 songs under an LJ cut. 3. See who can guess the song title and artist. 4. When someone guesses the title and artist correctly, strikeout the song.