Title: Time and Space
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Morgana, Merlin/Morgana
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Disclaimer: I own nothing. BBC owns "Merlin" and "Doctor Who".
Summary: Star gazing with the latest companion. A crossover with "Doctor Who". This was written for
brightporcelain's birthday!
“That one….right there. Have you been there?”
Merlin squinted in the darkness of the garden as he tried to follow the slim, pale finger of the young woman beside him. As his eyes focused in on the star he nodded, turning slightly to face her.
“Completely covered in rainforests that one. And the birds! Some as big as an elephant, while others are as small as a snail. I went there once with Nimueh, a long, long time ago. Had a bad run in with a gigantic coral colored cockatoo. Thought I was going to be bird feed-”
Having felt his companion’s eyes upon him he shifted upon the blanket that they had thrown down in the Pendragon yard. Morgana propped herself up with her elbow as she continued to stare at him, a soft twinkle in her eyes.
“What?” the sorcerer asked, a bit put off by the way she was watching him.
She laughed and nestled closer to him, listening to the pair of hearts beating in his chest.
“Nothing,” she whispered, content to listen to the world’s oldest wizard prattle on about the rest of his adventures, knowing that she would be the one to accompany him on the next.