Title: The Wife 3/?
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings:Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Uther, Merlin, Gaius, Arthur/Guinevere,
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Disclaimer: I own nothing. BBC owns "Merlin".
Summary: AU. As the wife of the prince Gwen knows that she is destined to one day rule beside him. Yet the road to the throne will not be simple.
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Comments 5
I enjoyed this chapter very much! I think you captured the time of the era well with the beliefs of sex and how it was expected that women, especially noble women bear children quickly. I love Gwen's servants too and how Beatrice is very loyal to Gwen/
naww I just loved the image of Arthur brushing Gwen's hair and how he wasn't angry that she wasn't pregnant yet. And him mentioning their future children was just adorable! I just think you convey so much how A/G can communicate so much without words but with actions.
Can not wait for the next chapter!
And happy birthday!
Thank you <3333
I really like how you paint the picture of them having no privacy. Every one knows their nightly moves and even their laundry is up for discussion.
I also like all the catty ladies of court. I think how Gwen changes her approach with them will show Gwen's growth from shy princess to Head Queen In Charge.
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