Title: The Wife 11/?
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings:Arthur, Guinevere, Morgana, Uther, Merlin, Gaius, Arthur/Guinevere,
Spoilers: Seasons 1-3
Disclaimer: I own nothing. BBC owns "Merlin".
Summary: AU. As the wife of the prince Gwen knows that she is destined to one day rule beside him. Yet the road to the throne will not be simple.
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Comments 7
I just loved how realistic you wrote the last part of Gwen's pregnancy and the birthing. I knew it would be a boy and I'm so glad that Gwen's closest friends were there. He I also love that Hunith will be looking after A/G's kid too!
I've never heard of a birthing stool so that was quite interesting! I think you did a great job conveying Gwen's feelings of not being able to breastfeed her own baby (since they weren't really allowed) & the last moment between A/G and their baby had me aww'ing so much <3333
I can't wait for the next installment!
I truly do shudder thinking of the number of things that can go wrong during childbirth, and the fact that medecine wasn't advanced to the degree that it is today. Men, the women that came before us were very, very lucky to make it through childbirth, and I'm glad Gwen was too :).
Great chapter! I like the name too. Keep it comin'!
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