at the show - sarah and i doing who the hell knows what. and it looks like i'm grabbing my boob...?
gloria, casey and i being el lameo at the show. it was tight. i promise.
casey had bought a smoothie from coldstone and it was SO bomb, but she paid 4$! actually now that i think about it, that's not a lot, plus it was bomb.
mmm....horny sarah.
mmm...more horny sarah, but this time with vulnerable casey. POUNCE SARAH POUNCE!
mmm...hungry sarah. EAT SARAH EAT!
and THESE two little rascals were the cause of me waking up at the crack of dawn. they're so crazy/energetic/abusive.
little tan. this kid is seriosuly my favortie kid in the world, NOT because he's mr. richardson's kid but because he is soooo tight.
and this one is abusive. and she uses you because she knows she can get away with it.
the end