Oct 11, 2010 18:25

[ Age ] 16
[ Height ] 170cm | 5'7
[ Weight ] 50kg | 110 lbs
[ Medical Info ] Healthy, fit, able to function pretty well even while he's in pain.

[ Eyes ] brown
[ Hair ] dark brown
[ Physical traits ] Kind of tiny and slender, but toned as your gymnastics champions come.
[ What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her ] Anything. Chances are high that he will not care.

[ Abilities ] Is pretty damn super at the tumbling. All Juniors champion! That's stamina, dancing, jumping, flexibility, cartwheels, back handsprings, full flips, handstands, splits (!!) all in all, pretty nifty stuff. Also, looking respectable in a leotard.

[ Notes for the Psychics ] Smart and ambitious! He's a sober guy and so are his thoughts. His common sense and reason will probably bore you to death. Superiority vibes. D-daddy issues.

[ Can I shapeshift/bodyswap - ] Anytime, but contact me!
[ -spit at/step on/etc? ] If you'd contact me beforehand, that would be sweet. He's kind of an ass, you'll probably want to punch him on occasion, but he won't always let you.
[ Maim/Murder/Death ] Nay. He's harmless and lacking superpowers; be nice.

[ Cooking ] Has never had to, but he can learn.

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