Chapter one: The library meet up.
Disregard the terrible weather, we venture off in the wind and rain hoping to scare away the clouds with our extraordinary good looks and pretty clothes.
Soon after we left to our next destination.
Chapter two: Visiting the fountain.
Eventually we tired of our beloved fountain and turned elsewhere.
Chapter three: The University campus.
We sat for a while, ate some food,
then busted out the trusty tape player,
Kissing? Stop that.
Soon we were joined by cute strangers
People talked to us
Then we danced some more
After dancing for a few hours, we sought out fun elsewere
Chapter four: Train tracks.
After playing for a while, a man walks out because he had herd us laughing/etc
Once he saw that it was 7 brightly colored girls in brightly colored dressed on brightly colored bikes, he came out with his camera and took a picture of us.
After the train came and left, we grabbed our squished pennies and left.
Chapter five: Off to the mall.
We got downtown, locked up our bikes, then Shanon's mom came, and put us in the truck and drove us to the mall.
No pictures of the mall, because the mall sucks.
Chapter seven: Returning to the fountain and graffiti.
After buying Dish soap, chalk, glow in the dark dinosaurs, and bracelets that said 'Diva'
We returned to our lovely fountain, plugged in a rainbow disco ball and proceeded to put all of the dish soap in the fountain.
We busted out the chalk and showed everyone who they were dealing with.
We fight and stuff.
We then began to leave the fountain and tag W.T.F. everywhere else in town.
Chapter eight: Good bye
After a wonderful day, we left with some good times, and some sexy pictures.
Au revoir
and I'm posting these, just because they weren't included in the story board,
and i love'um anyways:)
and, of course this one...Just to reiterate ;)
this is all still dedicated to Fast Eddy: