I knew you would get in! These people must be out of their minds if they rejected you! Congratulations, my dear! The world of possibilities are endless! Yeah, it's Iowa, but lets not contemplate that particular state until later. Right now, just sit back and bask in your glowing glory that you got the position above everyone else! LOL!:)
Three Cheers for Ms. Anna Loraine...HIP HIP HOOORAAYY!
Comments 2
I knew you would get in! These people must be out of their minds if they rejected you! Congratulations, my dear! The world of possibilities are endless! Yeah, it's Iowa, but lets not contemplate that particular state until later. Right now, just sit back and bask in your glowing glory that you got the position above everyone else! LOL!:)
Three Cheers for Ms. Anna Loraine...HIP HIP HOOORAAYY!
Much love and kisses!
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