I'm about to go see if I can't find my extra bight crazy eyeshadow from my ballet years. With any luck, I'm going off to SF for Pride tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to the chance to dress up a bit with one of my oldest friends. She's one of the few people I still keep in touch with on a regular basis, and it'll be nice to hang out.
The last time I went to Pride I was still dating Katie, so it's a little weird be going back now, in such a different place. Not mushy, start up the violin music weird, just life-goes-on weird. I'm very glad that life went on, because I'm much happier now.
It would be very silly to write my current girlfriend's name across my forehead. It's still a little tempting.
In the Cat news, the Professor has discovered fresh catnip. He's a fan. He's so much of a fan that he's passed out on the couch, having extreme kitty dreams and twitching his whiskers like there's no tomorrow. Wolfgang is also a fresh nip fiend, but where ever he's fallen asleep, I'm unlikely to find him. Damn ninja kitty.
If I manage to not stay up until all hours translating my Italian, I might even make the parade proper. Then again, it starts at 10:30, and in Tu hours that's Early oclock.
Next week is Relative Dimensions, which will be fun given the massive cliffhanger from last week. I'm trying to do a bit of art for all the mains, but I wanted to get a less crap picture of Emily first. A little selfish, but eh.