Title: No Haven For This Heart (7/9)
Words: ~4300
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Kara Thrace, Lee Adama and minor appearances by Racetrack, Narcho, Sam
Summary: Season 3 AU. Kara reups with the Colonial Fleet but her choices have left her with a new set of consequences. Kara's return to life in the fleet is cut short by a cylon invasion of the algae planet
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Comments 25
It's nice to see Lee and Kara relating again, even if it's only on a professional level. Baby steps!
Love love love the scene with Sam. I wanted to give him a big ol' hug when he said NC wasn't a waste of time for him.
And the end... aargh! Though I must admit I had a cracky thought that if the bullet hit in the right spot (or rather left, LOL) he could have a symmetrical scar pattern!
I greatly dislike martyr-Sam. I think Sam would be hurt by Kara leaving him, but I think he loved her enough to just... appreciate their time together and move on.
LOL, in my mind's eye the bullet hit a little bit low on the chest.
Glad you're liking it.
Tons of action and then you got Lee shot! That just dropped my jaw to the floor. I can't wait to read the next part. So good!
A couple thoughts on this... for some reason, the mother of his child rubbed me the wrong way. It felt patriarchal and, frankly, very much the side of Lee I disliked in canon. Interestingly - I know your writing and I know that this is NOT an accident... and I look forward to Lee coming to the eventual recognition and embrace of the fact that he and Kara need to do this together.
I really started to see this progress with him coming to accept and trust her again. Just wonderful steps on his part. It also felt 'real' that this part of him was through her flying. (Where he'd have trouble accepting other sides of her.)
And then a great twist to the end. Fantastic cliffhanger!
Glad you're liking it!
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