Title: Chess Pieces (or five times Clint and Natasha don't have sex and the first time they do)
rayruzFandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: R
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton
Summary: Clint Barton trusts Natalia Romanova, even when he probably shouldn't.
Length: ~8500 words
Notes: beta'd and encouraged by the wonderful
workerbee73. I never
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Comments 31
Also... would you mind my friending you? I love some of the things you've written and would love to keep up with what you post :) No dramas either way though!... I've only just come out of PilotsShipperAnon-dom over on Bee's journal, so still navigating how this all works!! :)
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Thank you so much that's a huge compliment.
Deadly dancing and flirting! Life-saving! Wound-sewing!
“It’s taken me some time to get my mind around the fact that Barton has apparently lost his."
That line is SO Fury, lol.
Card. Flowers. Candy’s nice, too.
Heh. His whole reaction here is priceless.
“Really? Anything out there to focus on?”
She sat in a petulant silence for a solid ten-count. “I saw a deer an hour ago.”
“Fascinating.” A smirk curved his lip. “Well unless you’ve been wondering if it’s carrying biological weaponry for the last sixty minutes, there must have been something on your mind.”
Still love that line. ALL OF PART FOUR, the dialogue is fabulous. But I think #5 is my favorite - maybe it's just bonding over Stark problems, but moreso because I feel like it's the real emotional climax between them, the attention he pays to her and the realization he knows and sees her as a person.
“Natasha,” he said and his voice meant I’m sorry.
*hearrrrts* Awesome fic!
NEVER EVER EVER Let Tony know this. He's insufferable as it is already.
Whoops, Sorry I think Natasha took over my fingers there for a second.
I'm so so glad you liked it.
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