Hahaha! My Darling Sister is currently living three doors down from Daniel Radcliffe's house and can see into his back yard.
Of course, he's not there now, but still...
Been busy, working and playing, camping and then doing all the washing and cleaning and putting away that follows camping.
Oooh! I have scar photos from my stitches.
I'm very happy with my stitches.
The day after they came out.
I bought a
wizzart shirt with Ron on it. It's really cute and goes well with my new winter jacket which I am planning on wearing every day until it falls apart because I really like it. Not often that happens.
I got a car loan. Someone was mad enough to give me thousands of dollars. I'm sort of reeling still. I'm buying Mr. Bitchy from my parents so they don't sell him out from under me. It's really good to know a car's complete history and how it's been driven all those years. It will be the most expensive thing I own other than my double bass, although if I add my horse and my computer together they would come close.
Speaking of Jay, I have a nice sunset riding pic taken recently, and also one of him the next day. He's really recovered from his illness last year very well:
I started to learn an intermediate dressage test today in my riding lesson. It has this really mean 1/2 18m circle with a simple change in collected canter immediately after transitioning down from medium canter that I am going to have to do a great deal of work on to be in control and make it look smooth. On the plus side, the shoulder-in in collected trot is a cake-walk as Jay's gotten so good with lateral work. I've got five weeks before the competition. It seems I just skipped novice level altogether.
I finished reading V for Vendetta a few days after I saw the movie. Bad move, as now they meld together in my memory, but it was very interesting to see how close the atmosphere matched in both. Can't wait for the DVD now. I want to watch it again. I went searching for more Alan Moore comics. I was very tempted by Watchmen, but they only had the hard cover at Amazon and it was over $40US so that was a bit off-putting. I bought the last three Sandman's instead for the same price.
And Aramis and Milady got married on the weekend. I hope they have better luck than their pseudonyms did. It was a lovely ceremony and the party was a lot of fun with really great food and even better company. The dresses were of a particularly attractive cut and were beautifully executed. Very elegant and not at all gaudy as some bride's maid's dresses can tend to be. I was most impressed. They really do make quite a lovely and loving couple.