Today I was bored, so I went to one of those dating/matchmaking websites and searched for transsexuals. It's fun to look at their faces and see if they are convincing or not. For most of them, you can tell right away - some of these girls look like ogres - but you always find a few that look like real girls.
For those interested, I did some searching on google to find more information about transsexualism. For Male-to-Female TS, the operation where they turn your dick into a pussy is called a Vaginoplasty:
Read about it at SEE IT DONE at (25 sequential pictures of a sexual reassignment surgery).
After that heals, there is a surgery called Labiaplasty, which is purely cosmetic, to make your new vagina look more like a real vagina:
SEE IT DONE at Then, for those poor girls mentioned above who look like ogres, there is Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS): For more information on transsexualism in general, this website is quite good: That's enough about transsexuals for now. Last Saturday at night I called to my cat and he ran right past me, completely ignoring me. He went to the window where my mom keeps potted plants and I heard a hissing noise. I turned to look at him and he was staring eye-to-eye with a baby opossum! How the hell did that get in my house?!?!?!
For those who haven't seen an opossum up close, they are really sickly looking. Their tail is really fleshy and gross, in the way that if you woke up from sleep and a possum tail was touching you, you'd want to throw up. Opossums also bare their teeth and drool, which is their natural face. When they are frightened or in danger, they will "play dead", which means if you see a dead possum, it might be alive, so you're scared to touch it. Basically they are the cockroaches of rodents.
We had some possum problems last year - a family of them had taken residence in our attic. We bought a trap and caught at least 5 of them and let them go in the wilderness far from our home. I thought we were done with possums, but lo and behold there was one sitting by the plants in my living room! There was one striking difference though. Whereas the ones we caught last year were full-grown (cat-size or bigger) and really ugly and nasty, this one was a baby, and it was ADORABLE!
We locked my cat in the room (he certainly would have killed it for sport) and then went about catching the baby. It turned out to be easy. We just put a cardboard box on its side, and then used a broom to chase the little fucker right into it. Out you go! After that, my dad put the main trap up in the attic again, in case there was another family of them up there. Ten minutes later we heard a metal THUNG. We caught one that fast! It was another baby. Out you go! Hope you can survive in the wild.
Well, that's enough from me.