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Jul 02, 2008 02:32

So I *just* finished Metal Gear Solid 2 [on stupid easy mode cause I'm a clutz gamer who can't block, but am looking forward to tackling it harder at some point] Let me say first that I really did enjoy it, as attested to me wanting to play it several hours into the night, but nnnnnnnot as much as I was thinking I would.


also lol Japanese making American morality games and lol almost 4th of July.

I wish I didn't know what to expect going in, so that I'd be ten times more weirded out when things got screwy. That really would have made it for me, since it took so long to get to that point- they had to build up a norm to break, I get that. I mean, I DID get weirded out, but, as proof of concept, only by the stuff I wasn't expecting.

There should have been alot more gameplay while the mindfuck stuff was going on rather than static cutscenes- they started going that direciton but could've pushed it to a ridiculous level. Basically just moar playtime to feel more in the middle of it all and less watching a movie.

The meta post-modern simulcra-fuck-fest aspect was delectable with the level they pushed that. Really sweet, Kojima's hilaaaarious. But, as mentioned below, there's no exciting ambiguity about it. So I can think about it and laugh a great deal but that's it, and it could so easily be more.

There were good existential points made- of defining your own meaning for living, etc, that I strongly attest to. The absurdist bent of things could've been *even more* though, but that's probably because I'm a cynic and like horrible shit like that.

The themes it brings up, like about digital information, is going to be relevant for a long time, which is awesome. I'm glad such a game is presenting these ideas to a bracket of the population, using an unusual medium, that may not be used to stuff like it.

Also it was distracting that characters opened themselves up without any provocation. I love good characterization as much as anyone but they could've spared a bit of lead-in so I wasn't so distracted by the 'why are you telling me this o_o'.

I wish there *was* more emotion going on. Granted, I am a bawwwww romantic so it probably would've distracted from the cool macho attitude of gameplayfor most people, or something. But there's so much shit going on! Someone freak the hell out! Even little variations. One of my favorite moments was simply when Raiden's voice began to crack.

It's interesting cause the exact same thing presented itself when I read The Filth by Grant Morrison the other week. Both have protagonists working for an secret organization they don't understand, and who and what they're fighting for and who they themselves are gets majorly confused. Philosophies are thrown around in both, and that's where I get a problem.

In both instances there's one guy who's confused and asking questions, while everyone they encounter is utterly sure of themselves. Everyone. Enemies, allies- they're all telling the protagonist what to think.They answer his questions with a unwavering verbal facepunch. This bothers me.

It's not only unrealistic but boring. I'm not left with anything to fill in the gaps about myself, and that means I'm left in a static rather than fun [for me at least] dynamic position. Right now I have no turmoil of how to feel. Lame. There should be insecurity, doubt, and confusion in other characters besides the main one too. Clear answers should be few and far between, hard fought, not spewed out for two hours straight.

Others may want the satisfaction of having things explained fully to them and that's fine cause I know people tend to get mad when they don't. But I'm a douche who loooves having to fight for it, puzzling out the meaning from hints on my own. I was *really* hoping for a good mindfuck but MGS2 was overhyped for that for me. On a scale of 1-10, 1 being See Spot Run and 10 being the End of Evangelion, I'd git it a hard pressed 7.

So it was really awesome as a game but since I was hoping for alot more it let me down for that. I was not let down, however, in the prevalence of low-poly man ass.

Gonna tackle the rest of 3 now.

geek, review

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