(no subject)

Dec 08, 2012 02:58

I haven't posted at all since I added a bunch of new friends. HI NEW FRIENDS. It was a trick, me adding you, because I basically never update anymore. SUCKAS. (jk, you're all great.)

I only ever post about television and movies and my depressing life, so you're in for a real treat! (SYKE.)


I watched the pilot back when it first aired and LOVED IT, DUH. A show about journalism!!!!!!!! That isn't written by Sorkin!!!!!!!!! Starring Romola Garai (who I used to be obsessed with when that Dirty Dancing movie came out forever ago, I had such a crush on her, I still have a picture of her on my closet door from ~back in the day~) and Ben Whishaw and Dominic West!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With 1950s attire and lots of smoking and ladies pushing gender boundaries and Soviet spies and men in crisp suits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It all sort of panders to everything I love about everything so obviously I was destined to love it.

But then I fell off the bandwagon because downloading things takes forever and I do too much of it as it is. So I ordered the Blu-rays on a whim and WHAT A MARVELOUS DECISION BECAUSE I'M OBSESSED.

I'm just so happy a show exists with a central love triangle that isn't crap. I mean, obviously the triangle aspect has sort of disbanded, but the way it is in season one is PERFECT. There's jealousy, obviously, but it isn't ugly and contrived. The three of them still keep a professional air and are still on speaking terms even after shit hits the fan. And even now in series 2 with Hector as a full-fledged alchoholic moron, they still care about each other <3 <3 <3 <3

Ugh but Bel and Freddie ughhhhhhhhh. JUST MAKE OUT ALREADY, YOU ASSHOLES!!! I was actually really into Bel/Hector, too, because they have this radiant chemistry and I totally feel for her there. Dominic West is pretty irresistable in that way where I'd very much like to do him anytime, anywhere. And Freddie does have that pesky best friend please leave me alone vibe. But obviously it's also the deepest relationship on the show and they have such a history and they're total endgame material. I LOVE THEM ALL.

The spy stuff got a little far-fetched by the end and I'm happy to be done with it this season. I like the socialist/pornography/racism storyline WAY better, even though this Kiki Delane business is kind of lame. But everyone is looking especially smoldering, am I right?

I feel like this season is really good thematically but kind of meandering in terms of actual plot? I'm pretty disappointed the Peter-as-an-Observer thing already expired because that was definitely my favorite thing going on. (It also puts an end to my Peter Is The First Observer theory, so, darn.) That arc deserved more than three episodes! And it was all resolved with shitty love stuff! D: I appreciate what they're trying to do with the love-consquers-all mindset, but it always comes out... clunky. And I'm forever disappointed that they ebb towards the dark but pull back before ever really "going there." Like, Peter as an Observer was the perfect opportunity for shit to get REAL and to end on a downer, but a well-earned downer that tied everything together in a poignant matter. But no, gotta pull out another "I neeeeeed you" monologue and patch things up all pretty. WHATEVER.

That said, I do like that this episode was really head-on with the Olivia stuff. I like that she quells her sadness and channels it into episodic badassery, like the bullet in the head shenanigans of tonight. That bullet that saved the world just keeps on saving it! I was sad sassy oracle lady didn't have more to do (THAT WAS JILL SCOTT YOU GUYS. JILL SCOTT.), and she obviously saw in Olivia something ~big~ which is GREAT, but... what was it? Is Olivia going to single-handedly save everything? OH PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE.

Still bummed that Astrid has been relegated to like three lines per episode :\ :\ :\ NOT FAIR.

But man, I am TOO excited for next week. Apparently it's the trippiest episode yet according to Wyman and John Noble and EVERYONE, so... YIPPIE! Fringe is best when it's weird as can be. And LSD-induced Wizard of Oz hallucinations are never not a good thing.

This is actually probably my favorite comedy on TV right now? Where did THAT come from? Remember when I swore to never watch it and was annoyed by its success? Silly me, turns out it's delightful!!!

Even the less than stellar episodes are somehow charming. Like this week's was kind of a lot less great than the previous weeks, but I was soooooooo satisfied with a Jess/Winston storyline that I barely noticed. Those two have great friendship chemistry and I wish they did more stuff together!!! POOR WINSTON. He gets none of the meaty stuff the other dudes do and it's not fair because he's so great.

And damn, I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but my life is going to be void of happiness until Jess and Nick AT LEAST make out. Although I get this feeling they're going to get drunk and sleep together before anything ~real~ happens and I don't know how I feel about that, because as honest and true as that type of situation may be, I also want them to have a perfect coming together because they deserve it after all of the miserable relationships they've been strung through. Get it together, ya dopes!



Actually, funny story, the trailer isn't even THAT great, I'm just so excited to see everyone's dumb faces again!!! It's so insane, because I remember seeing the first movie and really liking it even though I didn't know THAT much about Trek. I mean, I did offhandedly, in that my mom is a huge Trekkie and I was at one point in my childhood really obsessed with The Wrath of Khan and I'm familiar with the characters from what I'd gleaned off my parents' viewing habits. But I wasn't some fandom expert or anything. But I LOVED THE MOVIE SO MUCH. It was gradual, too. I saw it a ton of times in theatres because that was the summer I worked at the drive-in, so I literally watched it every night from the ticket booth for like two weeks straight. And the more I watched it, the more I was like "man, this movie rules." And then I bought it like immediately after it came out and I swear to you I've watched that DVD like 50 times. It became one of those comfort movies that you put on when you can't fall asleep. IT'S PRETTY RANDOM.

And because of it, I've gone back and watched a bunch of the old movies and most of the old series and even a season of The Next Generation and some random Voyager episodes, too. So now I feel like a pretty legit Trekkie! Therefore: I AM VERY EXCITED ABOUT THIS MOVIE.

Even though I could literally give a thousand fucks less about Benedict Cumberbatch. WHO INVITED YOU? I know nothing about him so this is probably unfair, but I just... don't see it. The appeal, I mean. I find him distractingly unattractive and his voice makes me laugh in a bad way and I mostly don't want him to sop up all of this movie's attention because I want it to be about SPOCK AND KIRK AND UHURA. And Bones and Sulu and Chekov. You know, THE OLD GANG. No Cumberbatches allowed.

Also, if he ends up being Khan like a lot of ugly rumors have speculated, I will RUE THE DAY. I WILL RUE THE FUCKING DAY.

Actually, I plan on writing an egregiously long entry at my blog proper about why I think the villain is Gary Mitchell (Khan would literally make no sense whatsoever, the Romulan reboot was after the exhile of Khan, so if this franchise is based off of any canonical logic which we KNOW it must be because NIMOY and all, it just cannnnn'tttttt beeeeee).

But I think we can all agree that Star Trek Into Darkness is the whackest name this side of Vulcan. Come on Abrams, don't torture me so.

Also, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. I have no plans to celebrate and all signs point to this being the worst birthday on record, but at least I have my youth and my sanity. And a bottle of red wine that I plan on devouring like it's my only attainable sustenance. 

fringe, star trek, the hour, new girl

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