STO Writings, Once Again

Feb 03, 2010 21:54

Look for some more images of my new ship (and other sundry things) in the next post! I'm proud. <3


"Captain," Sivak spoke up. His tone sounded... confused. "We've received a priority message from Admiral Quinn. He has ordered the Wayfarer to return to Sol stardock for 3 days of R&R, effective immediately." The Vulcan looked up at Lieutenant Wayas. "We are authorized to access the transwarp network."

Wayas blinked. He wanted them getting home ASAP. It would be several hours' journey back to Earth at maximum warp, but if they used the transwarp network, it would only take a matter of minutes. But immediate orders to return home? For R&R? Something was up. A deep look of concern pulled its way onto her face for a moment, before she suppressed it. The entire bridge was watching. "Well, Amp, you heard it. Interface with the transwarp network. Plot us a course for Earth." The captain settled into her chair, already feeling the tension building. She fought the urge to massage her temples. Just what does Admiral Quinn consider so urgent?


Rylia Wayas attempted to work her jaw. No sound came out. Her eyes remained riveted on the small felt-lined box open in her hand.

Inside rested one single, 'empty' rank pip. One she was meant to add to her existing rank pips.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Commander Wayas," Admiral Quinn said, the smile on his face controlled, but warm regardless. "Sir," Rylia replied, finally managing to find her voice. "I... I don't know what to say. I didn't think I-" He shook his head. "You've earned it, Wayas. Many of the new captains have proven their mettle recently, but you've gone above and beyond. I've been following your progress in specific with Commander Sulu's aid. You've fought alongside Klingons no less than twice in the past weeks. You've dealt with two separate Undine attacks. And don't think your performance at the battle on Regulus went unnoticed. Lieutenant Miral Paris had some rather glowing things to say about you and your crew."

By this point, Wayas had lapsed into a behavior she hadn't indulged in a long time... she was blushing. She was standing here being praised by Admiral Quinn, with Akira Sulu standing right behind him and nodding. She was floored. A promotion? They had called her all the way back here through the transwark network to...

Wayas paused. "Pardon, sir, but..." He nodded. "Yes?" "Well, don't think I'm not grateful. I can't begin to describe how grateful I am. But... I get the feeling there's more to this. If it were just a promotion, we could have done it with a conference call and a replicator."

At that, the admiral developed a twinkle in his eye. "Quite right, Lieutenant Commander. You're as sharp as the Commander here has led me to believe. If you keep this up, you might be at his level soon." Commander Sulu quirked an amused eyebrow, but didn't comment. Instead, he spoke up. "We've brought you and your crew back because we'd like you to take a look at something." Wayas blinked. "Sir?" "Come with me."


They stood in an observation deck on one arm of the stardock, looking out at three rather similar vessels; they were all light cruisers, each a different class. "Well, what do you think?" Commander Sulu asked. Wayas tilted her head slightly. "They're all fine ships, I suppose?" He eyed her for a moment. "You suppose?" "Well, I'm not exactly sure what it is I'm looking for, sir."

Commander Sulu tapped a command on the datapad, and a holographic screen popped up, providing a closer view of each, and holographic controls. There were three ships. An Excalibur-class, the Dupleix, a Vesper-class, the Tuscan, and a Constitution class, the Oberon. "Hmm. All of them are more or less the same in overall performance. The older models have been refitted with modern technology. I suppose the most pertinent question would be... which one do you most want to captain?" For the second time today, Rylia's jaw dropped and she lost any ability to form coherent words for several seconds. "W-well, er..." she finally murmured.

She zoomed the view in, looking around the Dupleix first. It was a sleek ship. New and pretty, easily the youngest of the three. It was almost catlike in its own way; while its basic configuration was similar to the other two, the Excalibur-class vessel seemed like it wouldn't so much fly through space as stalk through it, ready to pounce on its prey. It had a broad, prominent deflector dish.

Next, she switched over to the Vesper-class ship, the Tuscan. She was longer and a bit narrower than the Dupleix, her saucer section more rounded, her body broader at the front with a smaller deflector. Where the Dupleix was almost predatory, the Tuscan had a regal look to it, after a fashion. It looked as if it would majestically soar into battle, a shining white knight.

Finally, she looked at the Oberon. This was the oldest vessel by far; the design was over a hundred years old. The original Enterprise and the Enterprise-A had both been Constitution vessels. The design was plainer than the other two, simple and utilitarian. It was not made to be pretty or intimidating - it was made to do its job, simply and effectively. It almost looked as if it had seen countless lightyears, and had countless tales to tell. It also looked as if it had countless lightyears yet to see, countless tales yet to craft, and... almost as if it were restless.

This was a vessel made to explore, to defend. Rugged and reliable.

Rylia decided she was in love. "That one."

Commander Akira Sulu smiled. "She'll be ready for you and your crew in three days, Lieutenant Commander. Do you have any special requests?" Wayas thought for a moment. "...war stripes." "Hmm?" "She needs war stripes. The red paintjob, like the Traveller has. Can it be done?" Sulu nodded to her. "I'll see to it myself. Anything else?" She pondered. Just one thing was nagging at her. "Is... is it possible to have her rechristened? 'Oberon' is decent, but..." But she felt like there was a name that suited the 'old soldier' better.

Commander Sulu turned to face her, a curious look on his face. "What did you have in mind?"


"Lieutenant Ydam, how's the warp core holding up?" "Core is stable, captain. Running at full power." "Lieutenant T'Raal? How are the warp engines?" "Both nacelles operating at full strength. Subspace field tests are acceptable." "Lieutenant Sivak, system status?" "Deflector dish and sensors are operating at optimum efficiency." "Lieutenant Ampaak, how are we looking?" "Shields and phaser banks show all green. Photon tubes are in working order, and we have a full load of torpedoes. Impulse engines are warmed and ready, captain."

Lieutenant Commander Rylia Wayas settled into her chair. Everything was ready. She was ready. The ship was ready. "Captain. Flight control reports we are clear to depart," Ampaak reported.

"Mr. Ampaak? Take us out. One quarter impulse." "Aye, captain."

The ship shivered faintly as it began to move forward, picking up speed as it left the docking gantry. Ampaak himself almost seemed fascinated by the forward view. "We have successfully left dock, captain. Shall we taxi out and prepare for warp clearance?" Wayas nodded. "Bring us out to a safe distance. Full impulse."

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Once again, the ship moved smoothly, coming up to speed nice and steady. It might've been her imagination, but she almost felt like the vessel was... eager, to get moving. Wayas couldn't blame her. As they reached a safe distance, Ampaak brought the ship to a full stop, and laid in a course. However, he didn't go into warp just yet. They were still waiting for-

"USS Wayfarer, this is space traffic control. You are cleared for exit vector." Wayas sat up in her seat. "Tower, this is the USS Wayfarer. We have plotted our course and are prepared to depart for the Argelius Sector." "Copy that. Godspeed, Wayfarer."

There was a pause after that, for just a moment. And then Wayas spoke. "Well. Nothing else for it..." She leaned to the side slightly, resting an elbow on one arm rest.

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The twin nacelles of the Wayfarer lit up a bright blue, and the ship leapt forward, stretching off into infinity on a course for the stars.
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